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Basic Spanish Online Classes for Erasmus Students and Newcomers to Barcelona

  • flag-it Letizia · Insegna: Spagnolo
    Parla: IngleseB2 · SpagnoloB2 · ItalianoNative

Hello! I'm an Italian girl living in Barcelona and I'm offering online basic level Spanish classes for anyone interested in learning the language. Whether you are about to start an Erasmus experience, move for work, or just have a new adventure in Barcelona or Spain, I am here to help you!

Leaving for an experience abroad is a big step, and knowing the local language can make all the difference. Learning Spanish will give you the confidence to face any situation with ease.

Come on! I will help you not only by sharing my language skills, but also my experiences of living in Barcelona. Starting together will be stimulating, useful and most of all more fun!

Classes will be via Zoom, or Google Meet, see you soon!

3 mesi fa

Tags: Lezioni

10 € / all'ora

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