Dancing Mushrooms Are The True Form of The Fae
Ayesha · Insegna: Inglese
Parla: IngleseNative
It starts slowly, so that you assume it is only a figment of your too-wild imagination. Low murmurs arise as if from the very ground. As if the soil itself has begun to chant. You shiver, and think there must be wind, for the mushrooms encircling your ankles are swaying now. They move gently at first, then ever so roughly. The ground itself is chattering, chattering as the mushroom caps sway. You are frozen where you stand, rooted by the groaning of the forest floor, the chanting of the soil growing louder ever louder. Before your disbelieving eyes, They emerge from the ground. The mushrooms begin their swift dance, circling around you, transporting you to an ancient land, as your ancestors always warned they would. Fool, you have been abducted by the Fae.