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British English TEFL Certified Teacher

  • flag-gb Ella · Insegna: Inglese
    Parla: IngleseNative · GermanB2 · ItalianoA1

Hello, hallo, ciao.

My name is Ella and I am here to teach you British English. I come from Brighton in the UK. I graduated with a degree in German in 2018. Since graduating I gained an accredited TEFL certificate in Prague, Czech Republic where I taught English to adults and teens for 1 year until December 2019. I then moved to Germany where I am living currently.

From my experience of learning languages I believe that to succeed it is all about conversation and communication through interesting topics. If you are not interested in a topic how can you be interested in learning the language, right? Therefore, I try to base lessons solely around your interests and goals.

4 anni fa

Tags: Lezioni

15 € / all'ora

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