Attività di joao
Busco piso uregentemente. Me pueden ayudar? Gracias
Hello Belinda :) I Have some rooms for you with other students in erasmus :) Its central near Av da republica in Lisbon, fast acess to all types of transportation. More info contact me at joaorafaelflora at hot mail punto con Best regards Joao
por joao en Forum Erasmus Lisbona -
Rooms for Rent
I have from 275 to 325, depending on the area
por joao en Forum Erasmus Lisbona -
Rooms for Rent
4 Rooms for rent in lisbon, comon living room and a courtyard, tv, internet and all expences included(gas, water and elect) In the center of lisbon, between Campo pequeno and saldanha. Av Miguel bombarda For any additional info contact me at...
por joao en Forum Erasmus Lisbona