Igor Carnauba

Programmi che segue

Città che segue

flag-hu Ungheria

flag-br Igor Carnauba

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Attività di Igor

  • Coinquilino

    Brazilian guy, master student in Minority Police at ELTE, looking for roommates

    Hello! My name is Igor! I am moving to Budapest to study master program. Back home, I am a businessman who works with minority police projects along with technology. I wouldn't have any problems to live with either boys or girls. I am open minded for lots of situations...

    in Coinquilini Budapest, 2 anni fa
  • Luogo


    I acumplished a dream that was travelling to Mexico in 2016. It was really thrilling! I love Latin culture! The Mexican gastronomy is awesome! People are very curious about foreign culture and the capital is very welcoming, clean with a nice temperature on winter. The...

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