Christian Cabrera

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flag-mx Messico

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flag-mx Christian Cabrera

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Attività di Christian

  • Coinquilino


    What's up.I'm Christian, i'm 21 year old and Im from Mexico.I will be studying in ICN the next semester. I'll arrive at Nancy at the end of August and i'm looking for a place to live. I like to have fun, practice sports and i like parties, so i would like to live with...

    in Coinquilini Nancy, 10 anni fa
  • Forum


    Hi, i'll be studying in Nancy the next semester and i've been thinking....Does anyone know if there are gyms were i can train boxing? Thank you...peace

  • Forum

    Erasmus Nancy 2014 / 2015 (Español)

    Que onda yo tambièn ando buscando dónde vivir hahaha, si alguno todavía busca roomates pues cualquier cosa me dicen, suerte

  • Forum

    nancy 2014

    What's up my name is Alex, i'm from Mexico and im going to study in nancy the next semester (sept-dec) but i don't know anything about nancy hahah. Right now i'm trying to make a budget, does anyone knows how much a normal student spends per month? thanks

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