Alvaro Alquezar Getan
- Città attuale:
- Murcia
- Città di origine:
- Università di destinazione:
- Università di origine:
Attività di Alvaro
Tandem (Your english for my Spanish)
Cool! I know how much english knows german people :P my last flat mate was german and was close to be english native xD If you want write me in this e-mail when you arrive in murcia or add me in facebook see you soon!
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
2ª Fiesta de Enfermería 09-10
Me lo dices a mi?
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
2ª Fiesta de Enfermería 09-10
Que dia es la fiesta de infermeria?
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Damm it, I saw you when I was in my car. Next week I'll go if you go again
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Where is the park near la Merced? I want to go
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
la zenia
I love lasagna xD
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Visita a Cartagena!
Siempre podeis ir en autobus ;), ir a la misma hora que ellos y volver el mismo dia :P
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Muy buenas las fotos. Lastima que no haya podido asistir. maybe next time :P
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
all-ireland final
Maybe Fritzpatrick, is an Irish Pub near Cine REX
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
beginning of the course = FIESTA?! :P
Its raining :p
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
beginning of the course = FIESTA?! :P
You and me only? sounds horny xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
beginning of the course = FIESTA?! :P
Mm.... i think the idea to go to the concert it isn't good idea. I think tonight will rain. Now it's cloudy and windy, it isn't a good signal jejejjej Maybe I'll go o tapas too, it will be safer than to go far of my home :P sorry christina.
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
beginning of the course = FIESTA?! :P
Tonight there is a big concert of 40 principales, we will meet at 21:40 in fronto of Corte ingles for take a bus because the concert is Nueva Condomina. Maybe if you want to come, we can meet at 21h at the burguer king of Plaza Santo Domingo and then go to the concert.
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Jajajaaajjajajaa We have to talk about this parties :P see you soon!
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Jajajajajaaj samuel, We will do this parties when you are in italy xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDont worry samuel , When I will arrive at my erasmus flat I will do a big party and I will invite to my neighbours :P
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaOOUUUUUUU yeah!!!I'll be there of course, sobretodo si hay birras gratis y samueles borrachos!!Lo siento katarzyna, pero no te preocupes cuando vengas ya montaremos algo para ti.
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Soraya or Kate ryan.
Maybe soraya you dont know because I think is famous here because she was in "Operación triumfo" but... kate ryan? is international xDDDDDDDDDDDYesterday lolo said me this party then I canceled this plan. I'll be in your house today and...
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
INTERCAMBIO.....mi ingles, tu espanol.
Yo no te sirvo?? :(Si te portas bien te presentaré una compañera de piso que quiere aprender ingles :P Pero ahora está con los exáme nes de septiembre y no sale mucho de casa.
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
identification in Spain.
In spain we have DNI (Documento nacional de identidad) and Passport. For the police both are valid to identificate you.In spain passport only uses for trips outside Europe.(I dont know how to say in english)Puedes hacer una fotocopia de tu pasaporte y que la...
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
identification in Spain.
Mmmm..... yes, you have to bring your ID with you all the time. If you dont have it with you the police could give you a receipt ("una multa") and you must to show your ID next day at the police station.
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
work in murcia
There are many pubs in Murcia, you could try with other pubs.
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
When, where and how do you arrive to Murcia?
No, I think its a great idea. if I were you I wouldl come by car.
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
When, where and how do you arrive to Murcia?
Jajjajjajajaj easy to park jajjajajj you will meet "Gorrillas" xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGorrilla: A person who show you a site to park, you have to pay something to him if you dont want to see later any part of your car broken :P jajjaj
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
When, where and how do you arrive to Murcia?
By car? uff.... its so long and hard. I couldn't do it :PNice trip!
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia -
Mapa de los barrios de Murcia (por conflictividad)
Ostia, no sabía k vivía en un barrio de peligrosidad media xD
por Alvaro en Forum Erasmus Murcia