ahmet haşim

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Attività di ahmet

  • Forum


    Hey Dear Erasmus student from all of the world :) I graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sience.  Currently ı am living in a city which is close to Batum. Actually ı am working here for a couple of months. hopefully ı will back to Ankara soon.  I...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Wroclaw 2013 / 2014 (English)

    Hey :P İs there anyone who is gonna be Erasmus in Wroclaw.? My friend is going to have Erasmus there but unfortunately he dosent know anyone from there. Could you please help her. She is really need help ? Plaese let me know if you are also goıng fro Erasmus to...

  • Forum

    Erasmus Brussels 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hİ, ı need room for 3 month. I am able to pay 400 euro per month /all ıncludıng. please wrıte me.

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