Rita Mota

Programmes suivis

Villes suivies

flag-fr France

flag-pt Rita Mota

Ville actuelle :
Ville d'origine :
Université d'accueil :
Université d'origine :

Activité de Rita

  • Forum

    Erasmus Paris 2019 / 2020 (English)

    Hey, I'm Rita, I come from Porto, Portugal and I'll be in Paris studying at ENSAD (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs) from September 2019 on! I'm fluent in english and beginning to learn french :--) Rn I'm applying for accomodation at the Cité...

  • Forum

    ERASMUS ENSAD 2019/2020

    Hey guys, I'm Rita and I'll be staying in Paris from September 2019 to January 2020, looking for people who might be in the same school, the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs!  I'm Portuguese by the way!

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Cours hamsters ! Cours !