Activité de Matilde
Erasmus 2013
Ehi anna lena and eni!!! i just read your post!!! of course we can meet each other! it would be great! what do you think? maybe we can do something this week!!! let me now! see you soon!
por Matilde en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Erasmus Paris 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hello everybody!!!!is there someone that isgoing ti see 6 nations?
por Matilde en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Ciao a tutti!sono appena arrivata a Parigi per l'erasmus e penso ci staró fino a giugno-luglio. Io soampia paris 7 o paris diderot. C'è per qualche qualche altro studente che la frequenta? Io sono una studentessa di scienze politiche e il 14 febbraio sarò ad una...
por Matilde en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Erasmus 2013
Hi everyone!!i'm Matilde,i've just arrived in paris for my erasmus at paris diderot (paris7). are there some other foreign students/erasmus that go there?mayby we can meet each other and do something together! Have a wonderful day! Matilde
por Matilde en Forum Erasmus Paris -
Erasmus Paris 2012 / 2013 (English)
Ehi everybody!i'm an italian student that has just arrived in paris for an erasmus.. i'll go to paris diderot paris 7. Are there other studenta that will go there??? have a nice day!!
por Matilde en Forum Erasmus Paris