Activité de Klaudia
Experience in Poznan, Poland by Klaudia
What is it like to live in Poznan? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? It's decent, not overpriced like Warsaw. How much does it cost to live in Poznan? It depends on how much you'd party - flats around 700 PLN per single room. You should close up in 1300...
Erasmus Madrid 2012 / 2013 (English)
Im arriving this saturday, im superb excited. i start my classes on the 10th (UAM, Ori derecho, anyone with me?)
por Klaudia en Forum Erasmus Madrid -
Erasmus Madrid 2012 / 2013 (English)
Hey guys im trying do find a place via idealista dot com - my friend recommended me this page
por Klaudia en Forum Erasmus Madrid -
Erasmus Madrid 2012 / 2013 (English)
Greetings everybody, Im Klaudia and I usually study in Poznań, Poland but I decided Id spend one semester of my final year in Madrid at UAM. In Poznań I study two Master degrees - Political Science and International Relations and at UAM I will be doing degree in...
por Klaudia en Forum Erasmus Madrid