Kirsty Smith

Programmes suivis

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flag-fr France
flag-gb Royaume-Uni

Endroits de Kirsty

  • Tarragona

    One day in Tarragona... Hello! I wanted to tell you about my day trip to Tarragona. During my time in Barcelona, I took a day out to visit this Roman city. Tarragona is approx. one hour by train from Barcelona. If you live more than an hour away from Barcelona then it...

    0 , il y a 6 ans
  • ESN Besançon - International Students Association

    ESN Besançon, the international students association, supported by the University of Franche-Comté (FSDIE) and the International Relations Office (DRI), was founded in September 2004 by students from Besançon who had participated in an exchange programme during their...

    0 , il y a 7 ans

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