flag- Katarina Bižanović

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Activité de Katarina

  • Colocataire

    24 year old intern looking for roomate

    Hello! Im 24 year old journalism student from Croatia and Im coming to Athens for my internship. I will be starting my internship in October, so Im looking for accomodation from 1st of Ocotober until mid/end of March. Since im coming for internship, you dont have to...

    sur Colocations Athènes, il y a 1 an
  • Colocataire

    Erasmus student from Croatia looking for roomates in Pamplona

    Hello, im very sociable and outgoing journalism student from Croatia coming to UNAV for my Erasmus. Im looking for roomates, would prefer to live with 2 other persons. I will be staying in Pamplona from  September until mid January and would like to live in a flat...

    sur Colocations Pamplona, il y a 2 ans

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