Posts sur le forum de Jakub
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Anaïs Ramírez: you are right..Spaniards are threat indeed:D
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
In CZ...when u rent 3+1 you ll ALWAYS get kitchen, two bedrooms and livingroom (can be another bedroom) of the rooms is always living room. Btw..its too soon to search for an apartmanet now. I can help you to search like 2weeks before you arrive, np.
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
2+1= two single bedrooms+single kitchen 2+kk = one single bedroom+livingroom with kitchen unit
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
DANILA FERRILLO: we are nice people..dont be afraid. Just dont use taxi and you ll be fine:) Anaïs Ramírez: thats apartmentss bigger than 4+1..most of them are 3+1 and 2+1. Also im pretty sure owners wont rent an appartment to a bunch of 6 foreign...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Panos: just dont think everyone will be keen to rent you a room for 3months (dun even think about apartment)....there are not many offers in winter...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Théo Pomet: hmm they just wanna get some money from Erasmus students. Think best option is to find some other ersmus ppl and send one person few weeks ahead to rent an apartment for one year...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Théo: passage from agreement you ll sing with drom Strahov "(4) If a foreign exchange student announces her/his withdrawal from the accommodation not less than 30 calendar days before leaving the CTU SÚZ dormitory, her/his deposit of 5000,- Kč will be returned...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Flight to where?:)
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Pino: i never been there personaly but my friends study there and what i can say.. they are not happy about transportation. Buses are really packed in the morning... (ive heard) This is culs:
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
I dun mind you questions... as a man Im very conceited 1. If you choose languages or some course with tutorial - YES (you need 60%) 2 P10 and P3 - but Prague transportations is one of the best in Solar system so this is not problem:) Nevertheless, you ll be fine...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
I also study IRES (in czech) so we wont meet at school. Yes, ll be there next year but as long as its going to be my 3rd year (graduate year) i not gonna study daily - just every second weekend:) MUP is fine. Most of lecturers are externist from Charles uni or Economic...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Miguel: website you are looking for is "" Unfortunately its only czech.U ll find room easily there. Just put an advertisement few weeks before you arrival. I can hepl you with that. Shared rooms are around 160Euro and single rooms from 200euro....
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hm yes i think its possible... I found some on the internet...but you may have problems with you citizenship. Owners dont like to rent to foreigners sometimes...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
I dont think its better to come and look. Internet is your best chance if you dont know any local artists who could help you. If i take into account Pragues attractiveness for all kind of artists I dont think many studios will be available. I just checked some websites...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Pino: CULS domrs are not bad but CULS is in Prague-Suchdol (periphery), dorms are also there (parhpas some other in city center not sure). Google images fo "czu koleje"...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
So i was wrong about Hostivař dormitory....dorms were repaired and are among TOP5 dorms in the CZ (at least some rooms) Koleje Hostivař (Univerzita Karlova Praha) -
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
I suppose those flats with high ceilings are colder... / logic dictates:) it wont be cold just your bill will be higher... I saw a kind of (I thought) cemetery .../ you saw Malostranský hřbitov.... If you like cementaries you may visit Vysehrad cementery its in...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
First of all you must decide what kind of appartment would you like. Holesovice and Vinohrady were built in middle war era. I dont like it bcs ceilings are really high like 4 or 5m. So I rather live in that concrete houses from 80s. I love Roztyly District - its on the...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Yeah it is, but these dorms are from 80s...standards were lower in that era. When you enter your room you alsoenter different century. Dorms are usually habitated by students with limited finance. Most of us rent apartments.
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Anaïs Ramírez: whats shocking about sharing double room with total stranger? I think its all over the World and its normal:) I had two roommates that i didint know when i started high school, same here in Turkey (really nice dorms, but expensive and i didint like my...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague -
Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Hi guys! Im just finishing my 1 year Erasmus in Turkey so I found out its important to have friends who would help you from the begining. So if you need anything just find me on FB:) Btw, I read some of yours previous comments and i see many of you will be acomodated...
por Jakub en Forum Erasmus Prague