Giulia Moretti

Programmes suivis

Villes suivies

flag-nl Pays-Bas
flag-de Allemagne

Universités suivies

flag-it Giulia Moretti

Ville actuelle :
Ville d'origine :
Université d'accueil :
Université d'origine :

Activité de Giulia

  • Forum

    TUM-Accomodation in Munich

    I'm 20 years old from Italy and currently studying Architecture in Bath. I will be living in Munich for about a year, from September 2011 to August 2012 for my Erasmus exhange at TUM. I've just moved from Amsterdam but have lived abroad my whole life, and I...

  • Forum

    Accomodation in Munich

    I'm 20 years old from Italy and currently studying Architecture in Bath. I will be living in Munich for about a year, from September 2011 to August 2012 for my Erasmus exhange at TUM. I've just moved from Amsterdam but have lived abroad my whole life, and I...

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