Activité de gabriele
School and internship
Dear Erasmus friends: I recommend you 100% my experience that could be also yours! I started doing the programm in Florence - without any preparation: than, buy the way, I happened to meet students going in an Italian Language school, a well known in Florence named...
Cursos de Italiano a principios de curso.
Hola Lynnette, tu eres tambien de los Estados Unidos? Che bellissimo! Tambien yo, con mis amigos fui en la Scuola Toscana, que bonito, ¿eh? Florencia me encantó, lo que realmente es la ciudad más bella del mundo ... ¿eh? Gabrielle
por gabriele en Forum Erasmus Florence -
Hola yo soy española
Hola, en mi opinión, la mejor manera de aprender es haciendo una escuela de idioma italiano , como lo hice, Scuola Toscana de Via dei Benci, con ellos descubrí Florencia, museos, clubes, bar, pubs, monumentos, amigos de todos las nationes, etc .. y es muy divertente y...
por gabriele en Forum Erasmus Florence -
student interpreters
Dear Erasmus friends I have heard that Scuola Toscana is going to host a US University group for 1 month starting mid June. They are looking for young student interpreters to help these students in some skills in Florence - they work in media/video prodcution, etc... If...
sur Job étudiant Florence, il y a 9 ans -
Erasmus Florencia 2015 / 2016 (Español)
Hola, yo he asistido a la Scuola Toscana - una escuela de italiano verdaderamente excepcional - hay un montón de gente joven y los profesores son muy buenos! Está situada en Via dei Benci - y usted tiene un descuento Erasmus (creo...). Hola, buena suerte,...
por gabriele en Forum Erasmus Florence -
learning Italian in Florence
Dear Erasmus friends - I do not know if I repeat something written somewhere else, but frankly speaking I could not orienteering me very well in this site even if it is very nice and funny. I arrived to Florence, Italy, to learn Italian language and then to start my...
Erasmus Florencia 2015 / 2016 (Español)
Hola amiga Ana! entonces, como he leído en el mensaje de Lyn, yo también creo que la mejor manera de hacer amigos es asistir a una escuela, fui a la Scuola Toscana in via dei Benci, hay un montón de amigos de todas las nacionalidades. Y es un lugar donde se aprende...
por gabriele en Forum Erasmus Florence -
Il Gelato Gourmet
Eating a gelato is something wonderful in Florence. But eating a gelato with your friends, learning Italian is still better! We were attending Italian Language courses in Florence, at Scuola Toscana, located in via dei Benci, and in the night we decided to go eating an...
Study Italian in Italy, Florence
What is it like to live in Firenze? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? I greatly recommend living in Florence. My experience and the one of my friends was terrific! Great friends, great student's life, international exchange, culture, night life... and very...
Italian Language school
Hi guys, I am looking for a school in Florence. My friend went to Scuola Toscana - it is located in via de'Benci, it is a school of Italian Language for foreigners - with special fee for Erasmus students. Have you never heard? My friends at Uni told me it is a very...
por gabriele en Forum Erasmus Florence