Activité de Emie
French professor
Ma name in Emie, I am a French student in Art History, currently in my third year at the University of Paris, Sorbonne University. I can offer French lessons, regardless of your level, whether beginner or advanced. I can also provide lessons in art history and...
sur Job étudiant Florence, il y a 3 mois -
Professore di Francese
Mi chiamo Emie, sono una studentessa francese di Storia dell’Arte, frequento il terzo anno all’Università di Parigi, Sorbonne Université. Posso offrirvi lezioni di francese, indipendentemente dal vostro livello, sia principiante che avanzato. Posso anche darvi...
sur Job étudiant Florence, il y a 3 mois -
Hey ! I’m a French student in History of art and I’m looking for an apartment in Florence
Hey ! I’m a French student in History of art and I’m looking for an apartment in Florence. My name is Emie and I'm 20 I'm looking for someone (female 18/24 years old) with whom I can share, chat and maybe visit. I will be in Florence between January and July 2025...
sur Colocations Florence, il y a 11 mois