Bobbie Bastiaenen

Programmes suivis

Villes suivies

flag-hu Hongrie
flag-gr Grèce

flag-nl Bobbie Bastiaenen

Ville actuelle :
Ville d'origine :
Université d'accueil :
Université d'origine :

Activité de Bobbie

  • Forum

    Internship Budapest 2023

    Hi!  My name is Bobbie, 21 years old and i'm from the Netherlands. I will be doing an internship in Budapest from January 2023 until June 2023. I like to travel, go to parties, and meet new people! If you'll also be in Budapest around this time, feel free to send me a...

  • Forum

    Looking to meet new people :)

    Hi there! My name is Bobbie, 20 years old from the Netherlands. I will be moving to Athens in February 2022 to follow the spring semester at Athens University of Economics and Business. I love to meet new people, to travel and to party! Send me a message if you're...

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