Tiyamike Dingilesi

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Compañeros de piso Tiyamike

  • 20 Year Old Fashion Student looking for flatmate/s.

    Hey Hey!Salut! I'm Tiyamike, studying fashion at ESMOD and Im currently looking for someone to rent a place with as of July since my current contract is expiring soon. I have been living here since 2015 but I wish to move and I have come across some really neat apparts...

    hace 7 años
  • 20 Year Old Fashion Student looking for flatmate/s.

    Salut! I'm Tiyamike, studying fashion at ESMOD and Im currently looking for someone to rent a place with for August, preferably share a big-ish studio because Im not gonna spend more than 500 for rentals. I'm a clean person, love fashion, literature, and Im easy-going...

    hace 7 años
  • 19 Year old student looking for flatmate!

    Bonjour! I'm a fashion student at ESMOD Paris looking for someone to share a place with, most likely a studio since my budget is tight. I'm a clean,tidy,friendly person who is respectful of others and enjoys enlightening discussions over a cuppa coffee:) I don't expect...

    hace 9 años

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