Nathan Glm

Programas que sigue

Ciudades que sigue

flag-hu Hungría
flag-fr Francia
Saint Etienne

Compañeros de piso Nathan

  • French student looking for 2 more international roommates

    Hello there ! I introduce myself. I am Nathan and I am a french student. I am going to study economics the whole year in Budapest at the BME. I am looking for two flatmates in Budapest, I am in contact with another french student. We have found a great apartment in the...

    hace 9 años
  • 19 years old french looking for roommates in Budapest

    Hi guys ! I am a french student and I am going to Budapest from the end of August for the entire year. I don't know anybody in this city so I find some people who could be my flatmates. If someone is looking for an accomodation and a flatmate please contact me. :)  I...

    hace 9 años
  • 19 years old french looking for roommates in Budapest

    Hi guys ! I'm a french of 19 years old and I'm looking for an accomodation in the city center of Budapest from the end of August 2015 for the entire year. I'm looking for some flatmates too. Indeed, I don't know anybody who is going to Budapest. I will study at...

    hace 9 años

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