
Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Communication Management

MFI-Milano Fashion Institute (MFI-Milano Fashion Institute)

  • Ubicación Milán, Italia
  • Tipo de Programa Master
  • Fecha de inicio No info
  • Duración No info
  • Fecha límite de inscripción No info
  • Idioma Inglés
  • Modalidad Presencial
  • Dedicación Jornada completa
  • Ritmo Definido por profesor
  • Tasas de matrícula No info

Descripción del programa

Key facts

  • Director: Prof. Carla Lunghi
  • Vice Director: Prof. Silvia Mazzucotelli
  • Start of registration: 24 January 2020
  • End of registration: 30 November 2020
  • Orientation day: 22 January 2021
  • Lectures’ start: 25 January 2021
  • Duration of the Master: 1 year, 60 credits, 1200 hours
  • Internship: starting from September 2021
  • Location: By presence, Campus MFI, Milan


Innovative multidisciplinary activities distinguish our Masters, thanks to teachers from the 3 most important Milanese universities and experts in the sector. These activities are divided into Introductory Courses, Pillars, Specializing Courses, Company Visits & Study Tours.

Course Description

The theoretical training in the classroom alternates wisely with practical activities and in the field, leading to the achievement of a fundamental objective: the acquisition of specific methods and techniques to face the world of work.

Master in New Media and Cultural Identities from Milano Fashion Institute on Vimeo.


Career development

The important Empowerment activity aims to train professionals in the sector ready to enter the world of work in the best way. Milano Fashion Institute, with its targeted courses, makes possible and concrete the personal and professional growth.


Thanks to the great network of Companies, consolidated over the time, Milano Fashion Institute offers its students numerous opportunities for professional internships, offering them the best Placement service.

The professional figures

Transversality and multidisciplinarity are the keywords for the Professional Figures formed by our Masters, declinable according to the chosen specialization. Lifestyle, Product, Communication, Business or Sustainability?

Job market

The "hybrid" nature of the figures formed by Milan Fashion Institute Masters is an added value. At the end of the training course, you also acquire the fundamental ability to be "intermediaries" between the various professional figures that compose the company organization chart.

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