Grégoire Marius Prétat

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Compañeros de piso Grégoire Marius

  • Looking for roommates, man or girl between 20 to 35

    Everyone call me Greg, I will do master´s programm in banking&finance in UZH. I finish a bachelor in HEC Lausanne last year then I work a whole year for financing this master. I am a friendly guy who like people, I love enjoying life and I will adapt myself to the...

    hace 2 años
  • 20 to 35 year old girl or man in/near Zürich

    Everyone call me Greg, I will do master´s programm in banking&finance in UZH. I finish a bachelor in HEC Lausanne last year then I work a whole year for financing this master. I am a friendly guy who like people, I love enjoying life and I will adapt myself to the...

    hace 2 años

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