Undergraduate in Social Education
Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)
Ubicación Leiria, Portugal
Tipo de Programa BA
Fecha de inicio 02/09/2021
Duración 3 years
Fecha lÃmite de inscripción Request info
Idioma Português
Modalidad Presencial
Dedicación Jornada completa
Ritmo Definido por profesor
Tasas de matrÃcula 697 €
Descripción del programa
The main goals are:
- To know and understand the academic, scientific and praxiological foundations that support the educational and professional field of Social Educators;
- Analyze and critically understand the nature of the theories, methodologies and areas of intervention of the Social Educator;
- To know and employ strategies and methodologies for socio-educational intervention among vulnerable and culturally diverse populations in the sense of the development of individuals and communities;
- Develop capacities to promote processes of cultural and social dynamism;
- Develop and analyze the sociopolitical, educational and cultural realities in which the professional practice of the social educator develops;
- Diagnose complex social situations that support the need to develop socio-educational actions;
- Acquire knowledge and skills to design and develop and evaluate projects of socio-educational action in different contexts and for different groups of people;
- To develop decision-making capacities related to the improvement of their training and professional practice, with full respect for the deontological principles to which Pedagogy / Social Education refers, supported by civic values and Human Rights;
- Understand the dynamics of Social Education the trajectory of configuration of its field of professional identity;
- Develop a critical attitude and promote the development of socio-educational practices informed by the multidisciplinarity of Social Education.
Further studies
The main goals are:
- To know and understand the academic, scientific and praxiological foundations that support the educational and professional field of Social Educators;
- Analyze and critically understand the nature of the theories, methodologies and areas of intervention of the Social Educator;
- To know and employ strategies and methodologies for socio-educational intervention among vulnerable and culturally diverse populations in the sense of the development of individuals and communities;
- Develop capacities to promote processes of cultural and social dynamism;
- Develop and analyze the sociopolitical, educational and cultural realities in which the professional practice of the social educator develops;
- Diagnose complex social situations that support the need to develop socio-educational actions;
- Acquire knowledge and skills to design and develop and evaluate projects of socio-educational action in different contexts and for different groups of people;
- To develop decision-making capacities related to the improvement of their training and professional practice, with full respect for the deontological principles to which Pedagogy / Social Education refers, supported by civic values and Human Rights;
- Understand the dynamics of Social Education the trajectory of configuration of its field of professional identity;
- Develop a critical attitude and promote the development of socio-educational practices informed by the multidisciplinarity of Social Education.