Physiotherapy Degree
Escola Superior Saúde Santa Maria (ESSSM)
Ubicación Oporto, Portugal
Tipo de Programa Bachelor
Fecha de inicio 01/09/2021
Duración 4 años
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Idioma Português
Modalidad Presencial
Dedicación Jornada completa
Ritmo Definido por profesor
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Descripción del programa
The Phisiotherapy Degree has a duration of 4 years, corresponding each year to 60 ECTS, for a total of 240 ECTS, aiming to develop specific knowledge, skills and competences, in the autonomous performance of excellent physiotherapy, both in rehabilitation and in health promotion and disease prevention.
General objectives
- Technical, scientific and human autonomy, based on professional practice standards, ethical and moral values
- High technical-scientific competence, based on critical reflection, using clinical practice based on current evidence, and constant professional development
- Ability to exercise a reflective clinical practice in terms of rehabilitation and health promotion, in different clinical situations and in different communities
- Ability to integrate the most varied health institutions, in transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, respecting and recognizing the functions and skills of the other professionals
- Proactive, entrepreneurial and innovative spirit contributing to the development of physiotherapy
- Capacity for cooperation and technical and scientific exchange with national and foreign institutions
- Spirit of support to the community, with a view to promoting socio-economic and cultural institutions and their regions