Kristina Kühne
Escrito hace 12 años
room to rent from august/september 2012 to july/august 2013 (about 350€/month)
flat with balcony, 19th district (about 15 minutes to main university and city-center by tram), best roommate ever (student of international development and portuguese language), green areas near the house, nightbuses, university of translation, university of economics and boku are only a 10-minutes-walk away, safe and calm neighbourhood, but easy access to party districts, ...
if you want more information please contact us! kristinakuehne ( a t ) hotm... c...
Chris LaRosa
Escrito hace 12 años
Hi Kristina,
I saw your posting regarding your apartment on Erasmus. Is there still a vacancy? I'm interested in learning more about the apartment.
I am a 22 year old American and will be coming to Vienna in August to study music composition at the conservatory. I am friendly, neat, and a fun-loving person!
Please contact me if there's still a vacancy: larosamusicengraving (a t) gma...c..
Best regards,Chris L.
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