¿Tienes claro tu destino? Los mejores chollos en alojamientos son los primeros en volar, ¿dejarás que se te adelanten?

¡Quiero buscar casa YA!

Rooms and flats to Rent in

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If you want to find a room or apartment in Valencia, contact with Fairflats. (www.fairflats.com) . WE DONT CHARGE FEES OR COMMISSIONES TO TENTANS!!

Rooms for rent for students and travelers.
calle Jumilla 13
1º-puerta 4 46018 VALENCIA
price :
20 euros/day /person

16 euros/day /person stances +7 days

FREE WIFI,washer and board
excelent c
omunication public transport
We have free turistic guide and information about events concerts fallas and daytrips
Look at our video
c/jumilla 13 1º-pta 4 46018 Valencia
Information and reserves: Patricia tel: +34 6599689922
E-MAIL: [email protected]

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