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Erasmus Utrecht 2012 / 2013 (English)

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Hey Sebastiaan, yeh that sounds like a good idea, I will have a look if there is anything of interest on in Utrecht or other close cities, I know Arnhem and Eindhoven have some good gigs and it would only be a train journey away from Utrecht.

What is the bar you mentioned like? How have you heard about it? :)

I just mentioned it because it is in the same building as my room :D. It is the bar of the 'cultural centre' of Utrecht University, where university and hogeschoolstudents can attend all sorts of arts classes. They are open from monday untill thursday, starting at 7 p.m. I read about it when I was checking out their music and theatre courses. I have only seen the photo (see link below), but it seems nice. 


Sebastian that's a great idea :) I think not many people here are going to Hogeschool with me ,but I can always join UU erasmus crew :DD see you all in September :))

Of course Julia ! The more the merrier :)
Thanks for the link Sebastiaan, I'll check that. I didn't know there was a bar in kruisstraat (I'm loving this place already) but this is definitely a good idea ! And discovering the city all together should be fun !

Hi everyone!

Seems like I'm the first American to stumble across this thread, haha. I'm going to be arriving in Utrecht one week from today (I can't believe it's so soon), all the way from Los Angeles. My study plan, through my school of University of California San Diego, includes an intro course on Dutch Language and Culture during August, and then I'll begin my main studies at UU's School of Governance in September along with everyone else. I'm also staying at the Kruisstraat housing, so I'll be seeing a lot of you there I guess! I look forward to exchanging ideas, travelling, and partying with all of you not too long from now!

Have people check out their schedules on Osiris yet? Mine's looking pretty awesome with every fri,sat,sun off!! :)

I've just checked it out and it's crazy ! I only have classes on mondays and tuesdays.

Hi everyone. I am coming to Utrecht on September the 3rd and as many of you at the moment I don´t have a place to stay yet. Is anyone looking for a roomate or flatmate or has tips on how to find a room in Utrecht? :) Will be happy to meet.. Michal

Is good to know you all, hopefully I'll be meeting you soon :) 
Unfortunately, I'm still looking for a place to stay, these housing sites with subscriptions are starting to get on my nerves! I'm arriving on the 5th, so maybe the hostel is the only temporary solution for this shared problem... so, if you know of a room to rent, please let me know.

Hi everybody!

My name is Carla and it seems like I'm the only one at this forum only arriving for the spring semester! I'll be studying in the faculty of Science and doing an internship in the Hubrecth Institute. Looking forward to see you all! :)

What can you tell me about the Kruisstraat housing? Do you think the conditions will match the prices?

Hello everybody,
I´m going to study at the UMC Utrecht. I will arrive on the 1st of september and will stay at the Van Lieflandlaan.
I´m looking forward to get to know you all.


Hello everyone,

I'm from Belgium. Last year I did a Master in Maastricht and now I'm doing an internship in Utrecht. I already started the 1st of August and I will be here till the end of December. I'm living near the theatre, in the ´Lange Jufferstraat´. However, it's true that finding a residence in Utrecht is not a walk in the park. It also tooke me some time! A local friend of mine recommended SSH to look for a place and I encountered my residence via kamernet. Either way, I think it's a lot easier to find a place if you are actually in Utrecht.

Furthermore, I think it's a splendid idea to go for a drink. I would be in.

Looking forward seeing you all. Jelle

Ps: Is anyone playing football here? I started looking for a football team, but so far without success.

Blijkbaar nog veel mensen van Gen.  Fijn. :)

Blijkbaar nog veel mensen van Gent. Fijn. :-)

Hi everyone!

Another - hopefully - spring semester student, from February! I will be studying Humanities, UU. I am also very interested in hearing about the Kruisstraat housing - is it worth it? And does it work sharing a room with a complete stranger ;) ?

Feel free to contact me, I am so much looking forward to meeting all of you, and having a great semester in Utrecht!

Hey everybody . I am a portuguese student in utrecht university. I will finish my master in January.

I would like to meet you:) , to have some drink and to make new friends!! please feel free to add me on facebook, its easier for me that way, at marcia jesus jesus..my facebook name! and no, I am not Jesus twice, just once !!

ahhaha see ya

Hey everybody.
I'm gonna be studying at UU from february, and reading this thread has made me really excited. I do have a problem though, i was hoping u could help me with. I'm only gonna be in the country for 5-6 months, so im not big on finding an appartment the normal way, which i would then have to furnish.
It seems though, that the SSH short stay for UU exchange students is completely full. There are a few spots available on SSH Short Stay Direct Offer - can anyone enlighten me with the differences?

Also as far as i see Beneluxlaan and Kanalstraat are the only ones available within my pricerange. Do u have any experiences with these?

Or do anyone know of another way to find accomadation in Utrecht?

I am Sam and I too will be studying Utrecht.
I am not going to be arriving until Feb. 2013, for the spring semester at HKU..
Aside from introducing mysef, I was also wondering if, in the case that some of you are leaving around after completing the fall semester, through this thread I might be able to take someone's room? I have read that is quite difficult to find accomodation there..
If you are going to be leaving your room before Feb. and would like to help me please let me know.. : )


Hi guys, I'm Guido from italy and I will be a student of the Utrecht Conservatorium in the spring semester (February June).

hoe gaat het? (omg I'll never learn a single word in dutch)

more seriously, like most of you I'm searching for accomodation, my Institution assigned me Kruisstraat but I can't really book a room 'till December 4. So...I'm waiting...does anybody of the spring semester has booked a room in Kruisstraat or in SSH circuit in general yet?

But, above all, I would like to know from the guys that are living in Kruisstraat now: how are the rooms, the kitchens, the bathrooms! Are there single rooms? Please tell us wathever you want!

add me on facebook if you want https://www.facebook.com/guido.autorino

ps1: Sam I see you study at HKU too, are you a musician or what?

ps2: Tine unfortunately I don't love the killers and yellowcards but I'm a great listener or live music in general, so if you need fellowship in this way you can consider me!


I'm going to Utrecht in spring also, from february to june, and i don´t have any acomodation yet...

At first i was thinking of going to a colege, but now in thinking of sharing an appartment. Do any of you know about someone who is leaving the room for spring semester?

I know my english is not very good.. that´s why i would like to share the house with english speakers... to practice ;)

Thank you very much!

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