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Erasmus Prague 2014 / 2015 (English)

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Thanks Petra, I'll check it out!


I am Lorena pérez from Spain, I will be studying at Charles university (Science faculty) from October to Frebuary, so if anyone wants we could get in touch. I am also looking for an apartment and flatmates.

I hope see you soon in Prague!!



We are two french girls and we are coming to Prague in September, at the CULS university. We are currently looking for flatmates because we would like to have a great erasmus flat with some international students.

If you are interested, please contact me :)

Hi everyone!
I hope you´ll enjoy your Erasmus in Prague! If you are interested in choir singing, I offer you a place in our amateur chamber choir of university students. We sing renaissance music and spirituals, every Friday from 5 to 7:30 PM at Student Hostel Švehlova - Prague 3. We speak Czech, English, Espanol, French, Deutsch, Slovak and Bulgarian. Lessons are free, the only what you need is your healthy voice and the ability to read music.
We also sing during the summer holiday.
Feel free to contact me for further information. :)

Hi,Im Miriam from Spain in september Im goin to praga for erasmus. I study modern languages, Im finding flat in Praga 1,2 ,3 if someone are interested tell me. I prefer live with h people of other countries  but if you are spanish dont worry you are welcome hahaja

Hi I'm Angelica and from september 2014 to july 2015 i will be stay in Prague for erasmus experience in the faculty of architecture. I would like to meet someone before leave.

Hey Hey!!

My name is Julia, I'm 20 years old and I study Tourism Management in Bavaria - Germany! From October until February  I will study 'International Relations and European Studies' at the MUP in Prague. 

It would be great to meet some people before arriving or maybe find someone to share a flat with! :) 

Greetings from Germany!


I'm Florian, french student. I'll study Engineering Mechanical at CVUT in Prague. I'm looking for an accomodation.

I would like to find some flatmates of other countries or french students.

If anyone is in the same situation as me, don"t hesitate to contact me.

Hi !

I am Marine, a 20 years old french student. I will study in Charles University (faculty of social sciences) in september for 1 year.

I would like to meet people before my departure or someone to share a flat with :) 

Feel free to contact me!

Hi all!

I'm Sophia, I am an American student studying at Collegium Hieronymi Pragensis (CHP) from late August to December. I'm always interested in meeting people that want to go on adventures or go travelling around while we're there. I like Kelli's idea of going to Oktoberfest! Message me if you have ideas for travel and want some company. :)

Hello everybody!

I'm Erik from the Netherlands. I will study in Prague during the winter-semester. Currently I'm planning my stay. I would love to meet some new people and I'm still looking for a place to stay. In the Netherlands I live in a flat with other students. I think it would be great the find some roomies in Prague. 

Hey everyone!

My name is Iris, I'm 20 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. Next semester (september-february) I'll be studying at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University.

And, just like everyone around here I guess, I'm very excited and very looking forward to it and and also very very very much looking for accomodation in the Prague city centre. Sharing a flat or apartment with a few (international?!) roomies sounds pretty nice. If you know anything/looking as well, give me a heads up!



I am Geri and I am going to study at CULS this year. I am in Prague already, so if anyone is here we could meet. It is amazing here and I am sure that you're all going to enjoy your stay. Feel free to contact me. :)

Hey everyone,

My name is Éanán, im an Irish student coming to CULS this coming September for the first semester and am very much looking forward to it. Ill be studying in the informatics subject area.

Cant wait to see what the city and the university is like! If anyone wants to send me a message, then feel free to! 

Hi! I'm looking for information about the Vetrnik Residence in Prague. Has anyone been there? How many people are there in the same corridor? Is it crowded? Is it far from the center? Is it well connected with the rest of the city?

I am from Azerbaijan and I am 18 years old , I am not erasmus students but I like to spend time with erasmus students , their life is interesting for me , I accepted 2nd faculty of medicine in charles university and I will study full degree but I would stay with erasmus students and I would stay with students who want to increase his/her english degree after 20 september I will come to prague and after this time we would find little apartment and stay there , contact me))

Hi Clara

Whats the facebok group name? Sounds great. I will arrive next month . im going to study at V S F S.


I'm Alvaro, an architecture student from Spain and I'm going to live in Prague this winter semester for an erasmus internship.

If anybody wants to share a flat around Letná (prague 7) let me know :) I'm moving there in a couple of days.

Hello I'm Clara, I'm 19, french, and study theatre in an erasmus program for this semester. I also want to share an appartment with other students in prague. I just arrived  in town yesterday to look for it...

Hello :) 

My name is Algimantė and I am from Lithuania. Next semester (spring 2015) I will be studying European studies and International relationship in MUP for my erasmus. I hope to meet many wonderfull people there! If somebody wants to contact me feel free to do that :)

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