Zoraida Bejarano
Escrito hace 13 años
Yeah!! The first month is horrible, you miss your family, your friends... as Aaron said probably you'll cry! It's normal.
But we'll forget ours problems with Arehucas (Canarian rum) and some beers!!
Aaron Barreto
Escrito hace 13 años
Hahahaha! I'm not Mediterranean hahahaha
And I don't have Mediterranean weather hahahaha
Thanks Anaïs for your translation's help!
panos kar
Escrito hace 13 años
^^ haha zoraida you won't cry...
it will be fucking great living in a so differnt city...
i mean have you ever seen photos of prague.?
afte all you go for fun!
Anaïs Ramírez
Escrito hace 13 años
Sure we will have a great time there, but I know some people who are on Erasmus now and they told me they cried the first night because you find yourself alone and in a new place (plus a city with an unknown language and a creepy residence!!)
Aaron Barreto
Escrito hace 13 años
Don't worry! Maybe you'll cry the first night... but then, all is fun! I promise you!
Zoraida Bejarano
Escrito hace 13 años
hahaha Crying is only allowed on the first day!! ^^
I saw some photos! It's a wonderful city!
Mikey Conner
Escrito hace 13 años
It is truly amazing, i've been like 3 times before, and every one here seems cool so there really isn't anything to worry about! I want to go now! its really not fair that I have to be stuck in England!
Anaïs Ramírez
Escrito hace 13 años
Oh don't worry we can make an exchange! I love England and everyone likes Barcelona so you will like it! haha
Mikey Conner
Escrito hace 13 años
I was actually pretty happy when I figured there were so many Spaniards on the year abroad because I thought if I can make some friends then I know where I'll be spending my summers :D
Patricia L
Escrito hace 13 años
Hi everyone! This is my first visit to the English forum xDD What's up?
Melisa Arancibia
Escrito hace 13 años
hi everybody!!! another one going to Prague next yearr!! OMG I guess we will join a very mixed group of nationalities, I like it... By the way, I am from Argentina!!
Nice to meet you everybody!
Melisa Arancibia
Escrito hace 13 años
I agree with you Anaiss, I don't want to live abroad and keep speaking in Spanissh, so if you want to meet some new foreign friends, count on mee!
panos kar
Escrito hace 13 años
hey Patricia and Melisa...welcome to the forum....
hope to have fun in prague....wow it seems that the prague universities will be full of
spanians...that's good cause you seem very open guys...
Patricia L
Escrito hace 13 años
Thanks Panos :) It's nice to meet you.
Yanira GA
Escrito hace 13 años
Hello my name is Yanira! i am a spanish too! I speak a litlle bit of english.... so i need to practice my englishh!!
Brendan McLoughlin
Escrito hace 13 años
hey Patricia, Yanira and Melisa!!!!
Looks like there's going to be a lot of ppl going to prague next year!
Mikey Conner
Escrito hace 13 años
hey guys, welcome to the forum :D
Anaïs Ramírez
Escrito hace 13 años
Hello hello hellooooo!
Is anyone watching the Czech Rep. vs Spain match?
I think Im the only Spaniard supporting our future nation!
Mikey Conner
Escrito hace 13 años
Thanks for letting me know! Its all about Czech Republic! lol sorry everybody
Brian Mc
Escrito hace 13 años
Hey i'm Brian from Ireland i go to the same college as Brendan. Looking forward to meeting all of you. Just wondering what everyone is doing with accommodation? It would be weird sharing a room? would be nice to live on campus in another country though