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Erasmus Madrid 2011 / 2012 (English)

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Hi Ayo,

You could write to [email protected]
They have good and cheap accommodation options.

Good luck!!

i'm an 20 year old american student. i willl be studying at the complutense from september 2011 until july 2012. i am looking to share an apartment in Argüelles or anywhere else close to the university (but also on the closer side to the downtown area) with other international students! if anyone is interested email me at [email protected]

Soy estudiante de Comunicación y Publicidad en Madrid. Aquí hay muchos sitios para salir y pasarlo bien !! Os puedo aconsejar una videoguía sobre ocio nocturno en la noche de Madrid en la que estoy trabajando. Si os hacéis fan en facebook podéis entrar en sorteos, promociones, entradas gratuitas:

Hi ! I´m studying Comunication and Avdertising here in Madrid. There´s a lot of places in Madrid to have fun !! I can recommend u a videoguide about Madrid´s Nights with all kind of places. I´m also working on it. If u make fan in facebook u can participate in promotions, free entrances, events invitations and stuff:

Espero que os sirva de ayuda !! / Hope It can help u !!

Hey everybody!
Im going to be erasmus student in Madrid, in Universidad Pontificia Comillas. I will be there from august 2011 to the end of january 2012. I really would be interested in sharing accommodation with other international students! My email [email protected].

Hi everyone!I'm from Rome and I'm gonna study in Madrid from September 2011 to February 2012 at the Universidad Politecnica.Will anybody study at the same University?I'd really like to meet some other erasmus people,and I also should find a flat to share,if possible with young student guys....If anyone is interested,write me at [email protected]
Ciao ;)

hi everyone!!! i hope being in Madrid on september... have a nice erasmus programme !!!

Hi ! I´m finishing my Comunication and Advertising studies here in Madrid. also I´m working on a videoguide about Madrid´s Nights. With all kind of places. Also if u make fan in facebook u can participate in promotions, free entrances, events invitations and stuff:


Sure it will help u !!
See ya


Bienvenido a Downtown Madrid.

Todos los JUEVES por la tarde-noche, de 18:00 h a 23:30 h, nos volvemos internacionales.

Practica una lengua de forma absolutamente gratuita y haz nuevos amigos en un entorno totalmente internacional.

Cada semana se reúnen más de 200 personas de los 5 continentes para intercambiar distintas culturas en un ambiente distendido y cordial.

Todos los asistentes llevarán un distintivo del país de origen para facilitar el idioma que quieres practicar, incluso nuestro personal de sala está cualificado en lenguas como inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, portugués y castellano.

Itering Languages, empresa líder en el sector de soluciones lingüísticas recomienda la actividad de Intercambio de Idiomas de Downtown Madrid.

Nos encontramos en la calle San Mateo nº 21, entre Fuencarral y Mejía Lequerica.

- Alonso Martínez, líneas 4, 5 y 10
- Tribunal, líneas 1 y 10

Autobús: Líneas 37, 40, 149, L1.

El Parking más próximo a nuestro local se encuentra en la calle Barceló nº 2, a tan sólo unos metros de distancia.

Si quieres recibir más información sobre esta actividad, contacta con nosotros en [email protected].

Welcome to Downtown Madrid.

Every THURSDAY evening, from 18:00 h to 23:30 h, we become an international bar.

You can practice another language for free, and make friends in an international environment.

Every week more than 200 people, from all over the world, meet at Downtown Madrid to share different cultures, in a warmly and relaxed environment.

All the attendees will hold a badge of their mother tongue to make easy to find with whom you would like to speak and practice the selected language.
Even you can speak with all our staff in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Itering Languages, leader Linguistic Solutions Company, recommends the Languages Exchange at Downtown Madrid.

Located at San Mateo, 21, between Fuencarral Street & Mejía Lequirica Street.

Underground stops
- Alonso Martinez, lines 4, 5 & 10
- Tribunal lines 1 & 10

Bus stops half a minute from the pub, 37, 40, 149, L1.

You will find a parking lot in Barcelo Street, number 2, only a few feet away.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]

Location: San Mateo, 21
Contact: Gemma
Tlf: 600 907 873
Email: [email protected].
Website: http://downtownmadrid.es/idiomas.html
Office: Downtown Madrid

Hi everyone!!! I were last year in Madrid sharing flat with other Erasmus Students! I were studying at the Universty Carlos III! I found the info about flats and rooms in www.easyflat.eu.com and in my opinion they have good accomodation only for erasmus students and so on in the city center and at a good prices! If u contract any flat or room with them put this code to obtain i think it was like 10 euros discount, its not too much but it's something :) L1F31

Hi, I will be studying at Autonoma from september this year onwards, looking for an appartment to rent in and around centre with good links to the university! Was also wondering where are the best places to look, thanks!

Hi ! I´m finishing my Comunication and Advertising studies here in Madrid and I´m working on a videoguide about Madrid´s Nights. With all kind of places. Also if u make fan in facebook u can participate in promotions, free entrances to concerts, festivals, events invitations …


Sure it will help u !!
See ya

Hola! soy estudiante de 21 años, tengo poco tiempo en Madrid, estoy realizando estudios en la UCM y pues me interesa conocer gente que quiera divertirse en sus ratos libres, viajar o hacer salidas a los alrededores de Madrid, etc, de hecho he tenido pocas oportunidades de salir de noche, entonces si alguien quiere ir a un bar, disco o cualquier cosa pues estoy super dispuesto. Estaría genial que pudiéramos juntarnos varios para ir haciendo amigos. Si les interesa mi cell es 652452499 o en facebook (Jesús Chipres Torres).

Hello everyone!!!! I'll be in Madrid starting from next September!!!! I'll be attending the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (advertising and public relations), anyone going there too????
See you in Madridddd guys!!!

Hola...soy una estudiante italiana que desde septiembre va a atender clases en UCM de Madrid...estoy buscando un piso de compartir con chicas! Qué sea no demasiado caro...eheheeh! Hasta pronto!

Hi everyone, I'll be in Madrid starting from next september. I'll be attending the UCM, studying veterinarian sciences. I'm looking for people to share a flat no to far from the UCM ! If anyone is interested, juste send me an e-mail : [email protected]
Bye !

Hola a todos!! En septiembre me voy a Madrid a Carlos III estudiar Comunicación durante un año. Me gustaría vivir en el centro con otros estudiantes. Preferentemente de intercambio para compartir culturas , anécdotas y , claro está, fiesta. :)

Un saludo!

Hi everyone! In September I'm going to Madrid, at Carlos III, to study communication for a year. I´d like to live in the center with other students. It would be posible, I prefer exchange students to share cultures, stories and, of course, party. :) Cheers!

Hey all! I'm a Dutch student coming to Madrid for a placement in June. I'd love to meet new people to hang out with and explore the city! Also I am looking for a nice cheap furnished room in the city centre. IF anyone could help me with either that would be great! Thanks!

Hello everybody :)
I'll be at Madrid from 27 April to 2 May.. It's my first time at Madrid, if anyone wants to have a drink or a coffe give me a feedback.
See U


Hi ! I´m finishing my Comunication and Advertising studies here in Madrid. I´m working on a videoguide about Madrid´s Nights. With all kind of places. Also if u make fan on facebook u can participate in promotions, free entrances, trips to Ibiza, events invitations ...


Sure it will help u !!
See ya

Hi Guys!
For my job i am doing a study on the young strangers of Madrid, if you are a strangers and you live in Madrid, please fill in this questionnaire, it last only 5 minutes and it is in English: Thank you!. http://www.eSurveysPro.com/Survey.aspx?id=d86cf273-d2a0-4a83-8a58-9438aeb31ab2

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