Karin Loch
Escrito hace 13 años
Hi - I have a question for anybody who has been an exchangestudent in Lille this fall
As I'll be arriving in Lille in a few weeks, maybe you have some good ideas on where to live? Any areas to prefere? Any of you lived in a good dorm?
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
/Karin Loch Hansen, Denmark
Cam Camer
Escrito hace 13 años
If you need some help, you can add ESN Lille on facebook or go on the website http://lille.ixesn.fr/, you will be able to find some infos about Lille or even get a mentor. See you soon in Lille ;)
Oussama Jr
Escrito hace 12 años
the summer in lille it's empty, but some are still here as you see ;)
Antonella Bruzzese
Escrito hace 12 años
oussama you're here? the people who are here can add me on facebook :)
Charlotte Kearns
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi Guys,
I am starting a placement in Lille this summer for the next academic year and am quite interested in flatsharing/ a colocation... If anyone else is looking or worrying about accomodation then feel free to message me! Or if it is not the case, does anyone have any advice or recommendations as to which sites or companies to use for looking for accomodation...