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¡Quiero buscar casa YA!

Looking for place in Dublin between dates Feb 15 to April 5

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Hello Everybody,

I am Erasmus Mundus student, I will be in Dublin Instute of Technology (DIT) for 2 modules the between dates Feb 15 to April 5. I am looking for place which should be close to Kevin Street IRl- Dublin 8 (DIT) or close to the city center (close to the metro or bus station which goes to the DIT) . Female, non-smoking, safe, clean, easy-going, friendly housemates are preffered.

House should be furnished,clean and in safe area.Also, heating system should be good in the house.

Please send message back with house adress, pictures and housemate information.

I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Thank You

Serpil Acar

Mostrando 1-1 de 1 entradas


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