Samu MoRe
Escrito hace 11 años
Anyone want to share a flat with people from different nationalities? because I would be willing to do it :)
Francisco José
Escrito hace 11 años
Yes, sure, I think it's a very good idea. I'm also interested in sharing a flat with people from other countries ;)
Santiago Conde
Escrito hace 11 años
Rosa sweety you should know that Piast is the residence which appeared on the report of youtube "destino europa" and not only it was ugly old and crappy but also scary hahaha I think that you and all of us should find another alternatives, I have heard that za kolumnami was very good and cheap but I have already sent 2 emails to them and I've got no reply but silence... any suggest Ola? And by the way lots of thanks for the info about AGH ;)
Usuario Anónimo
Escrito hace 11 años
Santi, my darling!!!
I was watching the report of youtube "Destino Europa" this afternoon... and.... Piast isn't the residence!!!!!!
I think that it won't be the best... but I hope that it will be a residence where I can live without insects! xD
Za Kolumnami is for people who study in Pedagogical University so... maybe you have to looking for another possibility, or not?
Where We will be? I don't know... it's a good question hahahaha
Gary le
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi everybody!
Do you know if it's better to find a flat now ? or wait september, do some couchsurfing or whatever else and search a flat at that time?
And do you know if the University of Economics is close the main square ?
Thank you!!
And I'am looking forward to being in Cracow!!
Gary le
Escrito hace 11 años
And by the way I'm also interested in sharing a flat with people from other countries !
Samu MoRe
Escrito hace 11 años
As for me, I prefer finding a flat before Septembrer, but I read in one website that prices on internet are more expensive than If you look for it when you are there, so I think I will do it when I'm there and it's a good idea couchsurfing or bed&breakfast until we will find a flat.
Regarding location of your university, I don't know if it's close to main square, because I don't know where is the main square :)
There is an English group on facebook where you can ask all your doubts as well, it's called 'Erasmus Cracow 2013/2014'.
Finally, We can share a flat ;)
Gary le
Escrito hace 11 años
Yeah I'd already add the group on facebook!
If the prices on internet are more expensive, this is one more reason to couch surfing before to find a place to live one whole year!
And it's better when you see a flat with you own eyes, because photos on internet can show anything ...
But it would be so more simple to arrive in Cracow and to already have an apartment ...
What types of apartment are you looking for ? A large apartment in downtown (I guess it's called "Main Square" ;) ) with many erasmus roommates ? :D
Ola Fran
Escrito hace 11 años
I don't really recommend students residences in Cracow. They are in fact very cheap (100€/month) but they are crappy. I'm assuming that your stay in Cracow should be not only fun and full of good parties but also...comfortable. That's why I would recommend renting a flat, either alone or with group of people.
You can find something now, or you can wait till saptember. It depens on your individual preferences. There are many flats for rent in Cracow so you shouldn't have any problem with finding something in September but you should know that the prices in September can be a little higher cause your potential landlord will know that you HAVE to live somewhere and thats why he can raise rent. But you should not me scared. People in Cracow are nice and I'm sure that you will find something :)
Christophe Ducry
Escrito hace 11 años
hey guys, I will be studying in Krakow in 2013/2014( university of economics). I am looking for some flatemates. If anyone would be interested, please contact me.
Shadi Firouzi
Escrito hace 11 años
I am actually looking for these kind of informations too!I am leaving from italy in september and I dont actually have any idea of how things work there..should I search for a flat/single room through internet or is there any fb group? or it's better and safer to wait to get in krakow first?
Bárbara Montero
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi! I'm also going to the University of Economics! :) And I'm thinking about renting a flat with the companies that Cracow Uni of Economics offers us, and I'm looking for some people from other countries to share it!
Christophe Ducry
Escrito hace 11 años
Hi! I am also thinking about using the companies that the University of Economics offers us, and I will send back my application during the next weeks..
Do you know any other people who are going to Krakow? Well, I am also looking for some people from different countries( don't want to speak french..), so we can try to do something together if you want
Christophe Ducry
Escrito hace 11 años
Francisco José, I would be pleased to enter in contact with you. It would be easier on facebook. So here is the link of my fb.
By the way, other people of the topic can also add me if they want( Laura, Barbara). I have polish roots, have been a couple of times in Krakow and I am able to speak polish, so If I can help you in any way, just ask, I will do my best.
I am thinking about using I don't know in which university you are going to study but the university of economics offers us this one.
Zuzana Ondrejmiskova
Escrito hace 11 años
Hey guys!
Im also heading to Cracow, especially I gonna study at Cracow University of Economics.
Alejandro Rodriguez
Escrito hace 11 años
Hello, I know there are a lot of English-speaking people who will go to Poland the next year, I will put some interesting information:
- Area: 312,685 sq km (9th largest country in Europe)
- Location: Central Europe
- Poland has borders with Belarus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Russia, the Slovak Republic and Ukraine. Its northern border runs along the Baltic Sea coast.
- Population: approx. 38 million
- Capital: Warszawa (Warsaw)
- Official language: Polish
- Currency: złoty, PLN
- Political system: parliamentary republic
Coming to Poland – formalities
If you are a EU/EEA student, you only need your ID document (e.g. identity card or passport) to enter Poland. If you are planning to stay for longer than three months, you need to register at a local province administration office (Urząd Wojewódzki). To do this you will need to submit specific documents required by the relevant office and in return you will receive a document confirming your right of residence in Poland. One of the preconditions for obtaining the right of residence is the possession of health insurance (e.g. the European Health Insurance Card).
If you come from a non-EU/EEA country, you should check with your local Polish consulate what documents apart from passport (e.g. a visa) you need before you leave for Poland. If you obtain a visa, you will not need to register your stay on your arrival.
While EU/EEA students are eligible to work in Poland, non-EU/EEA students need to apply for a work permit, which is granted only if no EU citizen can fill the position.
Medical care
In order to get free medical treatment in Poland EU/EEA students need the European Health Insurance Card, which they apply for in their home country. Non-EU/EEA students need to purchase a private health insurance policy.
The Polish unit of currency is złoty (1 złoty =100 groszy).
In most restaurants and shops you can pay with credit cards. There are also plenty of cash machines where you can withdraw cash.
In order to open a bank account at a Polish bank you usually need only a passport.
In Poland intercity transport is provided by:
-the national railway company PKP;
- regional bus operators under a general name PKS, as well as private coach companies;
- the Polish Airlines LOT
Public transport within cities is usually delivered by buses and tramways. As a rule, tickets should be bought at kiosks or from the driver and validated in a ticket punch immediately on boarding the vehicle. There are many types of tickets available, including long-term and time-limit tickets (depending on the city).
The following days all institutions, offices and shops are closed.
1st January - New Year`s Day
Easter Monday –– usually late March or April (depending on the year)
1st May - Labour Day
3rd May - Constitution Day
Corpus Christi– usually late May or mid June (depending on the year)
15th August - Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady
1st November - All Saints' Day
11th November - Independence Day
25th and 26th December – Christmas
Important telephone numbers
Ambulance: 999
Police: 997
Fire Brigade: 998
All emergencies when phoning from a mobile telephone: 112
Carolin Hermanns
Escrito hace 11 años
I will be in krakow in feb 2014. My erasmus coordinator at my origin university told me I have to do a english exam. Does anybody know if the jagiellonian university also accept the TOEFL test?
Usuario Anónimo
Escrito hace 11 años
I think that if you want to go to Jagiellonian... you don't need any official acreditation like a TOEFL, FIRST, PET or something like that. If your origin university, make you a certificate of your level of english, it is enough, hahaha
you can find a paper to acredite your level in english only answering few questions about your level in oral expression... writting... reading..... you know it!
I hope that it will help you! :)
david troya
Escrito hace 11 años
hello! I study composition at the Conservatory of Music in Granada (Spain). Next year I will be studying 4th during the full course in the Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie (Cracow Music Academy). I have very little information about the conservatory (I know the city is amazing), and would appreciate someone inform me a little.
Thank you very much!