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Erasmus Castellón De la Plana 2012 / 2013 (English)

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Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Castellón De la Plana 2012 / 2013!

This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Castellón De la Plana in 2012 / 2013 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices and cost of living in Castellón De la Plana, places for Erasmus parties or any other question you may habe. Here you can also find:

Warning! If you want to advertise an accommodation or your are looking for one... the forum is not the place for doing that. In order to advertise your accommodation in Castellón De la Plana or in order to find roommates don’t use this forum, go to the accommodation section of Castellón De la Plana.

Livin' la vida Erasmus!

hi everyone.i will be in Castellon for 2012-2013 first semester.meeting before arrive will be good for us :) i am Baris from Turkey.Who will be in Castellon in 2012-2013? :)

Hi Baris! I will be in Castellon for 2012 2013 during 1 year too. I will be in University Jaume 1 in Castellon. I am Laurie from France :) I'm looking for a flat i would like to share with students erasmus. 

hi! I'm looking for an erasmus who wants to share a flat with me and my friend. We are two spanish students of translation (English and french) in la Universidad Jaume I. We are looking for a flat in the cente, the best location for the party :). If someone is isterested, tell me please. I'm in facebook Mriangels Marcet Lloret

hi Laurie :) did you find a flat?

hey.. i am about to complete a semester as Erasmus Exchange in Universitat Jaume I.. I been there for 5 months.. 
Lots of fiesta and siesta there   :D
i am sure you guys will enjoy a lot there.

There is a facebook of Erasmus Castellon. They help all Erasmus students to find accomodation and all the necessary informations as well. Or, you can also find accomodation on University's web page www.uji.es
I hope this helps guys.. I will complete my semester till 12th July 2012 than I will return back.

Hi, I am Joy from Ghent and I'm coming to Castellon during the first semester.
I am looking for a flat to share with erasmusstudents or spanish students! :)

Do you have facebook Joy ? :) 

There is an organization from UJI who can support you, in anything you need, looking for accommodation, knowing the city, meeting new friends, all about UJI, AND SO ON www.ipluscastellon.com and the best is add them on facebook, www.facebook.com/ipluscastellon

hello all! my name's Mariapaola, I come from Milan ... I get to Castellon for the first semester, the first days of September! I'm the only student selected for this university, someone can give me some advice for a room to rent in a shared flat with other Erasmus students?   =D

hi everyone again! you can find many flats from here http://e-ujier.uji.es/pls/www/!gri_www.euji06406 

i still look for flats and rooms too. take care all!

Hey Laurie!

Sorry for my late reply, I have just seen your post now :)

Yes I have facebook :)



Hi everyone ! :) Did you find a flat?  When you arrive in Castellon? I arrive in castellon the 9th of september.



I would like to have a native english person to play with my 2 daughters in english 1 hour 3 days each week in winter

and to take care of them in July and August

If I found the right person I will have a lot more children interested on it, more mothers in the school would love to do the same

please contact me if you believe you would be suitable for this position

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