Connection-Spain (Juan Vicente es)

flag- Juan Vicente — 0 personas siguen al autor

I’ve created this blog with all my friends to start a network to get a portal of people interested in such information and assistance on: - Get/Give help information and answer your enquires and doubts about: - Take the first step to go to another country. - Help to get your internship. - Travelling. - Learn Languages Free. - Tandem Exchange Languages. - Introduce foreign people to the community. - Work in a foreign country. - Social Life: Music, Parties, Adventure, Sports, etc. (es)

Publicaciones en el blog

  • Help to Study

    Http:// La Seguridad Social convocará en breve más de 50 becas de formación práctica sobre aspectos económicos y jurídicos de la gestión de empresas en relación con el sistema de pensiones. Las becas irán...

    0 , en Blogs Erasmus Bournemouth hace 13 años

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