Master of Arts in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Warnborough College (WC)
Standort Canterbury, GroĂźbritannien
Abschluss MA
Anfangsdatum No info
Dauer No info
Bewerbungsfrist No info
Sprache Englisch
Hinweis Am Campus
Beschäftigung Vollzeit
Tempo Ausbilder-gesteuert
GebĂĽhr No info
Programm Beschreibung
- Is business is about doing the right thing for and by everyone?
- Serious about building and protecting your business’s reputation?
- Want your business to be entrenched within the community in which it operates?
The Warnborough MA in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility delves into issues which are now very current, but which have far-reaching consequences for businesses, stakeholders and the communities with which it interacts. The course is suitable for any type of business or organisation because it begins with a philosophical base. This understanding can then be applied to any specialisation of business. 

Who should do this?
Managers, or other individuals in the workplace, concerned with important moral and reputational issues that arise in the context of business activities. It is also relevant to the consumer, the person who enjoys the benefits of what businesses produce. It will help candidates:To foster an understanding of the moral, social and economic environments within which moral issues occurTo introduce to the candidate the moral concepts and theories that are required to tackle these problemsTo develop the necessary reasoning and analytical skills for accomplishing this
What will I learn?
Students are assessed continuously throughout the program (ie. per module). Candidates are required to submit:
- Eleven (11) papers addressing each of the following subject areas in Parts One and Two, of approximately 1200 to 1800 words each.
- A dissertation of 10,000 words.
How will I learn?
Students in the program may work independently or in self-managed groups. Independent work will be expected of all graduate students.
Online interactive forums may be used as medium for program delivery. We recommend students doing at least 2 to 3 modules a term to maximise the benefits of doing this program and to reduce the overall length of time required.
Candidates will be required to acquire two main textbooks that will see them through the program. Details will be provided upon registration. Candidates will follow up subsidiary reading from the bibliographies in these books, from other sources, or via guidance from their mentor.