
Master in Sustainable Tourism Management

Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)

  • Standort Leiria, Portugal
  • Abschluss MSc
  • Anfangsdatum 02/09/2021
  • Dauer 2 years
  • Bewerbungsfrist Request info
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Hinweis Vermischt
  • Beschäftigung Teilzeit
  • Tempo Ausbilder-gesteuert
  • GebĂĽhr 1140 €

Programm Beschreibung

Course presentation

The Master of Sustainable Tourism Management is divided into two distinct blocks: the first block, corresponding to two semesters, develop theoretical, theoretical-practical and technical curricular units, that will provide the tools needed to develop an integrated and sustainable management of tourism resources; in the second block, on the final two semesters, is developed a applied research work or technical/practical work integrated in the companies.

The course is developed using a mix method of complementary on-site and online teaching. Master’s program is delivered 12 weeks online, 2 weeks on-site and 1 cultural week ( in case you wich to do so) per semester. Although it is mostly a distance-learning course, you won’t be alone. Our school members provide the high levels of support to enhance your success. You will have the occasion to work closely with your colleague and tutors in a suitably supported and collaborative online learning environment, studying at the times and in the places which suit you best.


The Master Program in Sustainable Tourism Management aims the training of students able to perform tasks in various branches of tourism, whether in public or in private sector. Thus, aims to: develop higher-level knowledge about the various disciplines that integrate the course, adapting the principles and concepts underlying the Management and Sustainability in Tourism; know deeply the human impacts on tourist systems and be able to establish effective solutions for this problem, apply the concepts and techniques developed with accuracy and ability to self-criticism; be able to, through the knowledge acquired, to diagnose problems and propose solutions to management and sustainability, have the skills to carry out plans for sustainable management of tourism resources; reaching research ability, critical analysis of information and scientific and technical dissemination; to motivate for the applications of knowledge, particularly through its sustained exploration and its integrated management, identifying potential employers, and promoting innovation; be introduces of new ideas and new products and services related to the sustainable exploitation and management of tourism resources in national /international market, through self-employment; understand and apply the techniques of scientific research, develop personal and professional skills that enable them to lead or join work teams; to acquire the skills needed to integrate doctoral or similar programs in related areas.

Conditions of admission

Holders of a degree or legal equivalent in the areas of Tourism, Management and related areas; holders of a foreign academic degree following a 1st cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna process in the area of Tourism, Management and related areas;

Holders of a foreign degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of a degree by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESTM in the areas of Tourism, Management and related areas;

Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curricula who is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific-Technical Council of ESTM.

International Student

All information related to the international student application should be consulted on our International Students webpage.

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Master ‣ Politécnico de Leiria

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