Master in International Trade
Escuela de Negocios y Administración de Empresas (ENAE)
Standort Murcia, Spanien
Abschluss Master
Anfangsdatum Request info
Dauer 10 Monate
Bewerbungsfrist Request info
Sprache Englisch
Hinweis Vermischt
Beschäftigung Teilzeit
Tempo Ausbilder-gesteuert
Gebühr 8900 €
Programm Beschreibung
The Official Master in International Trade takes advantage of the market opportunity to fill new jobs that professionally address the continuous economic expansion and progressive development of international trade.
At ENAE Business School we prepare you to face this growing need in the area of global business. You will learn how to manage a company's international strategy and lead it in the face of the most demanding market needs with a perspective without borders. External Double Degree: ENAE + Partner University (University of Murcia).
(*) Admission period will end soon. Request more info not to miss it!
Who is it aimed at?
ENAE's Master's in International Trade is aimed at international trade professionals who wish to broaden and update their knowledge, as well as university graduates who wish to develop their career in this area. The Master is taught in English, so a level test will be carried out on candidates to check their level in the language.
- Knowledge of the fundamentals of international trade.
- Ability to analyse and study business opportunities in the market.
- Application of marketing techniques. Openness and consolidation in international markets.
- Management of strategic internationalization plans.
- Study and development of foreign markets. Import and export operations.
This course aims to acquaint the participant with the most important aspects related to taxes on goods that are traded internationally:
- What are these taxes.
- How to know.
- The amount thereof.
As well as the various issues and measures concerning the goods traded internationally and can lead, for the same type of goods, to reduced taxation.
Acquires new techniques and concepts through the combination of theoretical, practical and didactic training applicable in real cases. You will learn the latest and most innovative techniques to put into practice with teamwork.
Business plan
In the End of Master Project you can rely on teachers and experts from different disciplines in the international field for advice and supervision of the final work.
ENAE Business School offers you new opportunities to put into practice your knowledge and new experiences during the development of the final project.
Internship programme
With our internship programme you will be able to complete your training in companies in the European Union. A decisive step to boost your career by putting you at the head of a job of optimum qualification acquired for the management of international trade of any organization.
Student Testimonials
Program in detail
International Taxation
This course aims to acquaint the participant with the most important aspects related to taxes on goods that are traded internationally: What are these taxes, how to know, at all times, the amount thereof, as well as the various issues and measures concerning the goods traded internationally and can lead, for the same type of goods, to reduced taxation.
Business Strategies
The purpose of this course is to introduce the participant to the reflection on the way in which companies and executives actively or passively take part in the process of cross-border economic integration that has been experienced in recent decades and that is called to mark the future of business.
Firm's Innovation Strategies For Internationalization
One of the keys to successfully internationalizing the company is to design an attractive and innovative offer. Business innovation currently involves creating new spaces in the market through new products, services or business models.
Creating new demand requires attention to the client/consumer, which is increasingly complex, sophisticated and demanding, and which has a plethora of products and services at its disposal through a multitude of channels, both physical and virtual.
Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research in an International Context
At the end of the course, the participants will: Recognize the importance of understanding consumer behavior for successful marketing. Have an insight into how consumers think and behave, and the strategies/tactics marketers use to influence consumer behavior. Have an understanding of what marketing research is, when to conduct research, and how to do it. Appreciate the role probability and data analysis play in conducting scientific and statistically reliable research. Be able to appreciate how different parts of the world have their idiosyncrasies when it comes to consumer behavior and marketing research.
International Sales Management
The main objectives of the course are to: Demonstrate the nature, role and importance of Personal Selling and Sales Management in international markets; Recognize the impact of differences in national cultures on the cross cultural selling function and on the activity of managing a sales force in an international setting; Show the importance of the decision to standardize or adapt various elements of the sales management process in international markets; Highlight the role that the internationalization of markets is playing in challenging orthodoxies of operations, structures and relationships, and draw the implications for both sales managers and sales people; and Apply key concepts and theories of sales management and evaluate their impact on decision-making.
Marketing Research in an International Context
International Distribution Channels Management
The main objectives of the course are to: Inform the student regarding both the complexities and benefits of distribution on a global scale; Enable students to analyze international channels of distribution for problems and opportunities to the marketing organization; Understand key decision making criteria facing the global marketer; Enable students to analyze the organizational options available to a firm when undertaking international distribution; Apply key concepts of international channel design and strategy implementation to consumer and industrial distribution settings.
Global Marketing: Product, Promotion and Price
This course is intended to give the participants the theory, knowledge, and tools to design effective marketing strategies in the global context. Participants will acquire a deep understanding of the socio-cultural, politico-legal, competitive and economic factors, managerial values and practices that govern international marketing decisions. The seminar will emphasize strategic and proactive thinking, which is essential for conducting profitable marketing operations worldwide.
Internet and International Business
The Internet has become an indispensable tool for any company, especially those that operate at an international level, where the value provided by the Internet is multiplied, as they can carry out actions all over the world without leaving the office. Internet accompanies the process of internationalization of a company in its different phases, and even, at present, is used to reach foreign markets as the main channel. Online marketing is reinvented when it has to operate in different markets, where the product or service is adapted, where there is a client from another culture, a different demography and geography, and where promotion and online advertising actions are supported with different tools.
Competitive Intelligence for Internationalization
The purpose of this module is to introduce the student to the techniques and tools of Competitive Intelligence for internationalization. The complexity of international markets means that companies have to have information to know the environment and who their main clients and competitors are, which allows them to be more competitive and effective abroad. The strategic decisions in the company have to be taken based on objective, analyzed and contrasted data. This will allow us to focus on winning internationalization strategies, helping from the selection of markets to their consolidation.
Economics in Global Environment
Any entrepreneur who decides to make an investment plan or simply to elaborate a future project has to take into account the evolution and perspectives of the main macroeconomic variables.
The performance of a project is highly correlated with the evolution of the economy in general and cannot be disassociated from it. It is not the same to make an investment in a recession where expected demand is lower, although interest rates will be lower, than in full expansion where the entrepreneur will face a higher aggregate demand, but more complicated financing conditions. In any case, a reasonable investment strategy cannot be elaborated without knowing in detail what is happening around us.
This course aims to provide guidelines so that students can handle economic information and extract the necessary conclusions for the analysis necessary for their company.
Markets Instruments and Short-Term International Financing
The course focuses on the description and development of international financial markets and the instruments available to companies to finance and mitigate risks associated with their international operations. Globalization and Internationalization make it necessary for companies to take into account how the evolution of financial markets may affect them. It also develops the main financial products and instruments that support risk management and the financing of exports and investments in the short term.
International Logistics
This module aims to give a vision of the importance of Logistics during the development of the economic activity of any company in an international environment.
Currently, logistics has become one of the basic pillars of any organization so it is necessary to know the role it plays in International Trade and its relationship with the international transport of goods. In order to do so, it will be necessary to deal with various issues such as its definition, the network that forms it, the importance of Incoterms as well as the role of transport as a link in the logistics chain.
It is important to bear in mind the two phases that compose it: the static one that includes the physical protection and the legal-economic protection of the goods and the dynamic one that includes the technical, commercial and documentary aspects of the means of transport.
Financial Viability Of Investment Projects
Medium and Long Term Instruments for Export Financing and Investments
The course focuses on the development of different financing systems for industrial and infrastructure projects, depending on whether they are structured through direct investments of the promoters or simply through purchase and sale contracts, either supply or turnkey. In the first case the establishment of a vehicle company is normally required and the financing is received by this entity, while in the second case the exporter's objective is to offer medium- and long-term financing to the buyer of its product or project, as a fundamental tool for signing the contract. The different types of financial products available to Spanish exporters and promoters, of bilateral, multilateral and commercial origin, will be developed in detail.
International Contracts
This module will delve into the world of international recruitment. Particular attention will be paid to the training, development and implementation of contracts. The contract is the best legal vehicle for the circulation of wealth in the world, it is the one that offers legal certainty to the parties contracting in an international context.
International Operations and Case Studies Workshop
Skills for international business
The purpose of this course is to improve the negotiating skills of all those people who in their professional activity deal with customers, suppliers, distributors, partners, etc. from other countries. The necessary strategies and techniques are provided to negotiate effectively in an international context and for this purpose the following issues, among others, are dealt with:
What is negotiated and what are the most frequent types of international negotiators? How do you establish the room for manoeuvre in an international negotiation? What stages make up the negotiation process in foreign markets? What are the negotiation tactics most used by international executives and what measures exist to counter them? What importance do cultural differences have for the success of an international negotiation? What rules govern protocol in international business?