
MA in Modern English Literature

Mary Immaculate College (MIC-UL)

  • Standort Online (from Limerick, Irland)
  • Abschluss MA
  • Anfangsdatum 20/09/2021
  • Dauer 1 year
  • Bewerbungsfrist 02/07/2021
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Hinweis Online
  • Beschäftigung Vollzeit
  • Tempo Ausbilder-gesteuert
  • GebĂĽhr 9325 €

Programm Beschreibung

MA in Modern English Literature

This ONLINE MA in English looks at 20th and 21st century texts in contemporary ways, and offers students a chance to engage with research-active and highly published faculty. We limit numbers to make sure that students receive one-to-one attention, and we have two research methodology modules which offer a step-by-step approach to the 15,000 to 20,000 word research dissertation.

Programme Overview

Run by the Department of English language and Literature in Mary Immaculate College since 2002, this highly-successful and popular one-year taught Master of Arts programme in Modern English Literature has graduated over 160 students and 97% of these students have graduated with an honours MA degree. This year, the programme is going ONLINE and will be delivered through a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous modes in the virtual learning environment, with content provided via a range of interactive online options. These include discussion forums, reflection journals, wikis, blogs, vlogs and audio recordings and online seminars. Content will be delivered live, with asynchronous options available so you can engage around your own work/home schedule.

Key Features

The aims of the programme are:

  • To widen and deepen students' knowledge and appreciation of English literature and contemporary critical theory.
  • To familiarize students with traditional and modern technological sources for research in English literature.
  • To equip students with the knowledge and skills required for doctoral studies.
  • To familiarize students with the latest online technology as it pertains to the study of English.
  • To enhance students' career opportunities.

Numbers each year are capped so that individual attention is guaranteed. All students are required to take six modules and submit a thesis.

Modules will be delivered on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the academic year from 3-6 pm, with presentations and discussions recorded so that students can access them at their own time.

Career Opportunities

Potential career options include but are not limited to:

Teaching at primary and/or post-primary level; entry to PhD programmes; technical writing; journalism; media work; copyediting; civil service; web editing; academic administration, magazine publishing (hard copies and online editions); advertising and marketing; arts administration; library administration; teaching English language and literature in other countries; Human Resources; digital copywriter; lexicographer; online editor; webmaster; social media administrator/editor/manager; research administrator; researcher; information officer; instructional design; Irish heritage studies; genealogical studies; tourism; public relations; commerce journalist; digital education coordinator; online and blended learning administrator/manager/content provider; digital teacher; digital marketing; corporate blogger; market researcher; policy analyst; search engine optimiser and data analysis.

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Master ‣ MIC-UL

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