
Master in Corporate Solicitorship

Politécnico de Leiria (Politécnico de Leiria)

  • Standort Leiria, Portugal
  • Abschluss MA
  • Anfangsdatum 15/09/2021
  • Dauer 2 years
  • Bewerbungsfrist Request info
  • Sprache PortuguĂŞs
  • Hinweis Am Campus
  • Beschäftigung Teilzeit
  • Tempo Ausbilder-gesteuert
  • GebĂĽhr 1140 €

Programm Beschreibung

Conditions of admission

People who can apply to the Master’s Degree:

  • Holders of an undergraduate degree or a legal equivalent in Law, and Solicitorship
  • Holders of a foreign higher education diploma, granted after a first cycle of studies, under the principles of the

    Bologna Process, by a State, which has subscribed this Process, in Law, and Solicitorship

  • Holders of a foreign higher education diploma that is recognized as meeting the objectives of an undergraduate

    degree by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management, in Law, and Solicitorship

  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as certifying the skills to attendthis cycle of studies by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management

    Note: Exceptionally, finalists of an undergraduate degree may be admitted provided that they obtain that degree until the 31st of December of the year the Master begins.

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    Master ‣ Politécnico de Leiria

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