Maria Morais

Folgt diesen Programmen

Folgt diesen Städten

flag-pt Portugal
flag-be Belgien

Beiträge von Maria im Forum

  • Forum

    Erasmus Gent 2013 / 2014 (English)

    Yes Irene, i'm going to Sint Lucas Architecture School too! I'm not sure yet if i'll be accepted in Gent or not, because the university has two campuses, one in brussels and one in gent, which i chose as my preference. I'll get back to you when i have the comfirmation ;)

  • Forum

    Erasmus Gent 2013 / 2014 (English)

    Hi! i'm Maria, an Architecture student from Portugal, and have been accepted in Ghent for Erasmus Program starting next year. I'm very excited with the opportunity of the experience, but i've no idea where to live, and little money on my pocket..Did someone start...

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