Maria Kleinemas

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Beiträge von Maria im Forum

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    Erasmus Paris 2012 / 2013 (English)

    Hey everyone!  Same story with me, 22 years old, from germany. I am going to study at L'Ecole pratique des hautes études, arthistory. My french is a bit terrible but I will improve - hopefully ;).  I am living in 15, registert at EPHE now - well, please contact...

  • Forum

    I'm looking for english speaking friends

    Hey everyone!  Same story with me, 22 years old, from germany. I am going to study at L'Ecole pratique des hautes études, arthistory. My french is a bit terrible but I will improve - hopefully ;).  I am living in 15, registert at EPHE now - well, please contact...

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Bitte warte einen Moment

Lauf Hamster! Lauf!