Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
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— vor 14 Jahren
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Sandro Martins
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I don't mind the british people in prague but yes the groups of (always at least 10 italians) moving around trying to score girls in every single club and wearing sunglasses even if its raining :P
panos kar
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
agree both with anais, and jakub and adam on the other hand...
yes british people come to greek islands and they very often act agressively...
but its not because they are british...its more that they have been raised
in a specific social enviroment that made them like that....
so no cliches as anais said about countries...
in fact there are no british or czech or greek people....
just humans that are affected from their social stimuli...
(i really have to stop the social analysis on this forum :P)
but it's really not fair to tag people just from the place where they are from :)
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I've seen those Italian guys here too hahaha
And yes I know British people tend to get drunk and disturb people (it happens a lot in our coast) but it is better (as Panos said) not to judge people depending on their birthplace...
Welcome Olga!
Olga Adamska
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Thank you Anaïs !
Im not really into the topic of disscusion but like said Panos Kar, different country, specific enviroment, but I can tell you sth funny about Polish, they still clap hands after landing of the plane :)
Is there anbody who will study at Anglo-American University ?
Pino Deiana
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
ahahahaha I've seen that kind of italian guys too XD
necrophagisty .
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
well said anais!!!I dont understand why everyone keeps saying that cant wait to get drunk in prague..its like there is no alcohol in other places apart from prague!!!!
and of course how can we be part of such an multicultural experience like erasmus if we dont get rid of all prejudices ??!!
welcome to the new ones!
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi:) Flatsharing is possible, there are some websites to put an advertisement on.. if you dun mind to live with Cz students. If you wanna live with Erasmus ppl you can go to real estate agency or I could try to find something directly from the owner. Its up to you guys:)
Romain Fourier
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Jakub! We're 3 french students coming next September till the end of January. I tried real estate, we found some apartments, they ask if we want to visit the places but we can't for now. Sometimes they refuse to rent to foreigners or for short term rental. I'm suprised, don't there are some web sites, help organisations specialized for students looking for a rent, flatshare ?
Thanks for your help
Sandro Martins
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
One more thing,
By living here for almost 4 years, I have also looked to rent flats myself sometimes before and I have noticed a lot of scams.
Attention to the many advertisements you will see.
Never trust the pictures you will receive
Never ever agree to take over a flat if you never visited it.
It's always better to arrive in Prague and stay somewhere (even a Hostel for a couple of days), or visit other places before than arriving straight and go immediately to a place you rented and thought it looked better.
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Sandro Martins Valigy:
Firstly: i dun think they will rent an apartment for 20k CZK. 3+1 is for 12-16k CZK, 2+1 10-12k CZK. If you invest a little of your time into it you can find a new 3+1 for 15-16k CZK, bills included.
Secondly: there are many options to rent directly from the owner. (,, etc)
Scams? I dont think so. I worked in REA and we had no problems.
And one thing about your links. That websites in English offer mostly overpriced rentals (20-30%) - logically - its for foreigners.
Sandro Martins
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
If you will offer everyone to translate bezrealitky and all other websites then cool because normally almost everyone who comes to Prague doesn't have , obviously, an understand of the language and looking into websites in english is by far the easiest solution.. Everyone does that, its like common sense of someone coming from abroad and not knowing the language :-)
For those living here, especially for you as a native speaker, it is obviously more easy to navigate trough bezrealitky, What about those who doesnt have the same background?
The websites I posted are non 20%-30% overpriced and if they are, at least the landlord will for sure speak english avoiding big misunderstands that can happen if the landlord doesn't speak english which is what if the appartment to rent comes from a Czech website.
By Scams I didn't mean from Real Estate agencies because all pictures and deals announced by them are 100% trustworthy but the deal of commission, even tho is transparent is not beneficial for any student, don't you agree?
The scams comes from people renting flat in other websites - non real estage agency related.
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
You are right about the language and thats why i offered I ll help them:) Its few pages back:) I have no problem to translate, negotiate or mediate:)
I wont argue about that commisions and other things I find it clear...but i worked as REbroker for some time.
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey Sandro, thank you so much for the info ;)
Will you post ads of flats without sharing it? I mean for example the one you posted on the facebook group is a very nice room, nice place and quite cheap but you have to share it with someone you don't know. Then, what if we are 3/4 people and we want to rent a flat?
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
when the british come to belgium, it's fun! it clicks.. Here we've got more problems with the spanish people :p .. I guess our cultures are just more alike..
But to me that's the great erasmus challenge, to learn from every culture, to take all the good stuff in my lifebag! To let go of the idea that there's just one right way of living.. :)
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Thanks again Sandro, I'll be ckecking all those pages ;)
Hanne, I'm not surprised that Spanish people cause troubles, but what kind of troubles?
I must be a bad Spanish girl because I dont like to cause trouble and I'm quiet and shy haha
Pino Deiana
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
ahahahaa I'm just curious about the italian guy with the sunglasses..really it's funny... cuz yeah we use a lot sunglasses but for example in my region just a little part of the guys is always using sunglasses even if it's raining...they're the one we call "randaggi" or "grezzi" that can be translated in rude in a certain sense =)
Nina Bizjak
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hello everybody:)
My name is Nina and I am going to study at the MUP from October till March. Anybody else going to MUP?
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and I can't wait to meet all of you! We're really gonna have a great time :)))
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Nina: Hello, I study at MUP - IRES:) So if you had any Q about the uni...just ask:)
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
The university is complaining about them.. They don't do a lot of courses and come here just to party (making a lot of noise).. They're now planning on moving the erasmus students to another building (to live in, away from the other students) just because of the troubles with the spanish people :p , oh and the other eramus students complain about not being social (they only talk to other spanish students )
(I don't realy know any spanish students, so I have no idea what kind of troubles they make :p )
Jakub Žižka
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hanne: yeah i have the same experience with Spanish and Portuguese student:) But i noticed the english skills of Spanish and Portuguese ppl werent exactly good. So maybe thats why:)