Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 14 Jahren
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Brendan McLoughlin
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
i think so...that's how i read the email neway
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Did they say something about the dates? Because in that webpage I posted it's on July or August... and I don't want to go that soon! Plus I have a couple of exams on September :S
Steffen Veen
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I did not receive such email and it's not mandatory as far as I know to take the intensive course.
Nadina Elekse
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
It's not, I was told the same. My coordinator said that I can take them if I want and it gives me some extra ECTS points. I think it's quite useful though.
Sandro Martins
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
EILC is not compulsory but if you want to come to Prague earlier its not bad, i did it and it was a great summer month :-)
Lidia Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Is anyone thinking in doing the EILC course?
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I want to do an EILC course? This week, I'm going to try talk with my coordinator about it!
Brendan McLoughlin
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
ooooh....well then i've read it all wrong!
I defo won't be flying over till sept so if it's in july/aug that'll count me out!
Brendan McLoughlin
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
actually strike that.....i might look into coming out early, an extra month or two might be fun!
Marta Prieto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I am actually thinking of doing the EILC in August. Does anybody know if it would be possible to stay at Hostivar??
Emre Özen
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
i want to do EILC course but my university hasnt got any course i think. So i can join any other courses :)
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Marta, I think no... In the different pdfs about different courses, you can read about places to stay... Kisses!
Marta Prieto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Thanks, Aaron :)
Emre, there is no problem, they say you can join any course from any university and even in a different city.
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hey where's that pdf? Maybe it would be good to do one of those starting the first of September...
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
All courses start before September... Hahahaha! Poor Anaïs... Hahaha!
Don't worry, If I do some course I'll teach you... Hahaha!
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
There's one starting at the end of August... but I have to do a couple of exams in September so fuck my life.
Francisco Manuel
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I would definitely go to Prague one or two months before September to do the EILC. That would be great!. The thing is that the economical support that we'll receive for that month is not enough to cover all the costs.
In addition, this year the Erasmus grant will cover only 8 months, what makes us pay the last month completely for ourselves.
Aisling Nolan
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Ah Brendan, it seems well be hearing another Irish accent in Prague! My self and my friend Leanne will be heading for first semester we do iIish studies in Galway so on the drinking front we might beat you all!!!!!!! Are any of you doing the EILC when you go over?
Aisling Nolan
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Brendan I heard you get an extra like €300 for taking the course because youll need accom and all being there before term
Emre Özen
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Marta it is true but, there is lon time after the courses . Because my university start in october 10, the courses finishd in september 16 app. My coordinator said to me you dont go:(