Erasmus Prague 2011 / 2012 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 14 Jahren
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Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Oh yeah I think we talked about it in the Spanish post! Basically being an Erasmus student at Charles university means you will get a shared room at Kolej Hostivar which is in Prague 10, 30 minutes from the city center in metro. I think it costs around 125€ per month so it is very cheap. You will see if you look for it in Google that it is not a luxurious place but people say it's the best one to meet new people.
Oh and every room (2 people) has its own bathroom!
Here are some pictures:
Brendan McLoughlin
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Yeah I think it's not bad for the price we'll be paying. Also, I read only erasmus students will be living there so it should be a bit of fun and easy enough to meet people
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Brendan that's one of the things I love the most about Europe, so many languages and so many culture!
I'm from Barcelona so apart from Spanish (which is my first language) we speak Catalan too. It is somehow similar to the situation in Ireland with Irish language, even if Catalan is the language used in public schools here in Catalonia and everyone can speak it fluently.
So basically I speak Spanish and Catalan at home and then English (basically because I love it, that's why I'm studying English Studies lol) more or less! xD
So it's not a big deal, I wish I could speak Irish, Welsh, German, Czech and all the languages in the world haha
Mikey Conner
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
dw Brendan, we are fluent in Drunk, and whilst you have an unfair advantage you must remember that being British binge drinking is my fortee so to speak haha, but to be fair if there are any moldovans we're all fucked; I read somewhere they drink 300 litres of pure alcohol a year per capita, although I am working from memory and that may be a highly ficticious figure. But yeah drinking olympics 2011/2012, look out for the facebook group
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Ha! I wanna see that facebook page guys! Lol "Prague Drinking Olympics 2011/2012" sounds amazing!!
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I'm agree with you Anaïs... Culture is one of the things I love about Europe... And English is the second better language ever (because I love you too)
panos kar
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
thnx for sharing will be fucking great in prague!!
Brendan McLoughlin
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
It will be my first time living away from home, so I can only imagine what the freedom will do to me!! Im not overly impressed by Kolej Hostivar, but I'll see what it's like when i get there before making a decision on getting an apartment outside of on campus is a big plus tho
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Sure! We will wait for you to come during the second semester, we want Greek representation in our alcoholympic games ;)
Zoraida Bejarano
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi! I'll go to Charles University next year to study Pshychology. Brendan don't worry Anais is an exception, my english's not so good!! =)
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Sorry! I wanted to say:
I'm agree with you Anaïs... Culture is one of the things I love about Europe... And English is the second better language ever (because I love IT too)... I'm terribly sorry! ;)
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Don't worry Brendan, I've never been away from home more than two weeks and I feel I will cry like a baby for the first month lol it will be cry-drink-cry-drink and so on. Then just drink.
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Sure Aaron, sure... HAHAHA
I hope we can manage to get ron miel in Prague! I've heard it's amazing :D
Brendan McLoughlin
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Yeah Anais I'm the same. Longest I've been away is probably 3 weeks...I'm lucky that one of my best friends from college will be in Budapest for the year, so If i get too homesick i'll just hop on a train and go visit! And, another guy from my course is heading to Charles Uni with me so hopefully I won't miss home too much
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Maybe, you'll cry... I has study in other island for six years... You learn a lot when you live out your home...
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Don't worry! We have Canarien rum in Prague... Mmmm! Delicious...
panos kar
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
^^ lol at aaron (maybe you will cry)
it's very true what you say about being rocks stayin away from become another person ...
i like mediterenneans(i know i killed the word)
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Wow Budapest is amazing! I know there's another girl from my faculty going to Prague but I don't know her! And adding her to Facebook without knowing her would be very creepy hahaha
I was thinking about another possible party: Homesick party!
Aaron Barreto
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Mediterenneans??? What's that means? Hahaha!
Anaïs Ramírez
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Mediterraneans I guess, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks... and that cliché about us partying everyday and being so... warm? haha
We are going to miss our Mediterranean weather guys -_-