I'm looking for english speaking friends
Thema erstellt von Coleen Egan
— vor 11 Jahren
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Coleen Egan
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I move to Paris on the 14th August for 1 year and I'm looking to meet new friends.
Kate Dooley
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hey Coleen, I'm a student from London and I've just moved to Paris for a year too. Currently living in Cite Universitaire halls and have so far not met many other fluent English speaking people. I'm also looking to meet other english speaking friends as my French isn't great! Whereabouts are you staying?
Rachel Timmins
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi! My name is Rachel and I'm also moving to Paris very soon! I currently live in the United States but I will be coming to Paris the first week of September, as well! I'm staying in a studio apartment in the center of Paris! :)
Kate Dooley
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi Rachel :) ahh i've always wanted to go to America! Are you studying in Paris or working?
Rachel Timmins
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hahah its so funny because everyone in America wants to go to England! I lived in Leeds for 9 years though, when I was younger and loved it! I'm studying at the business school in the center of Paris! I'm still frantically searching for a place to live! How do you like living in the university housing? What school are you going to?
Carolina Watler
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi RAchel/Mikaela/Kate...... I also coming to Paris on Sept and still looking for a place to stay... I am 22 and will be attending Paris School of Business...My french is not great but I could speak english and spanish..My course last 12 months....Have you find a place as yet....
Mabel Karimazondo
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi, Rue also looking for friends. Contact details please?
Ilse van
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
hey everyone! My name is Ilse and I am a 20 year old student from the Netherlands. I would love to meet new people here in Paris since everybody I knew basically left. I love basic girl things like cooking, reading, going out with friends etc.. Tomorrow I am planning to go to the New Sandeman's Free tour of Paris which starts at Place St. Michel at 13:00. If anybody wants to come, send me a message! Hope to see you tomorrow! And if you cant make it tomorrow you can still send me a PM haha :)
Fay Latham
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi everyone :) I arrive in Paris tomorrow evening, studying at Paris 7 university French is also bit rusty but that's why I'm going! I have got a room in a house in Gentilly for the first month but would rather live with students than a family. So if anyone needs a housemate! :)
Raquel Sánchez
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
I'm Raquel, 20, from Spain. I'll arrive at Paris this thursday and would love to meet new people :) My residence is in Boulogne, right next to Paris 16, so if anyone wants to meet up just let me know! PS: My French is not as good as I wish it was, but I speak English fluently and Spanish obvs xx
Sandra S
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi girls! Ive been in Paris a week now and am also looking for english speaking friends :-) If you have any plans, let me know! I dont speak french at all but am pretty much fluid in english. Are any of you going to the erasmus-party tomorrow? I would very much like to go, so let me know and we could meet up!
Laura Mcdonald
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi everyone! My name is Laura and I'm 22. I've just arrived in Paris and am working as an au pair in a suburb just outside Paris called antony. I speak a little French but not much. I would really like to make some English speaking friends here. I like the usual things shopping, cooking, music, and other normal girly things. Let me know if you would like to talk :)
Laura x
Katre Nada
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi everyone, my name is Kat and i'm 18 years old, I have just moved to Paris and I'm staying here for 3 years, ( for my licence degree in economics, pantheon assas university ) i speak french, english, arabic and a little bit of spanish. I like shopping, going around the city, trying new food, laughing and having lots of fun. let me know if anyone of you is interested.
Raquel Sánchez
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hey Laura! I'm spanish but I speak english as well. I live in Boulogne so let me know if you wanna meet up! x
Niamh Allen
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hey everyone! :)
I'm a 20 year old Irish girl, I've just moved here to Paris and want to meet new people aswell! (I'm fluent in English too :P ) I can speak a little French! I'll be here until May and am working babysitting kids! If anyone's interested in hanging out, let me know!
Neeve! ^_^
Tharshan Umakanthan
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hey everyone!
I'm a 22 year old Londoner (taking a year out from doing medicine at Uni - King's College London) moved here last week and looking to meet new people, fluent in English but I really suck at French so would be great if I could meet people who can speak English! Currently I'm living in an appartment near the Paris Sorbonne. I'll be here until May. If anyone wants to hangout and chill, drop me a message :)
p.s. always up for going out as well, so if anyone is interested, we could set up an event to go somewhere for drinks etc.
freja bach-petersen
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hey Hey people - I'm a Danish girl arrived about a week ago - I'm up for meeting some new mates as well, so coffee, beer (preferably ;)) a cosy walk, you name it - would be nice to meet up. :)
Mitchell Mckay
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hi everyone, I'm 20 year old student from Edinburgh and I'm studying here at the Sorbonne until the end of January. I'd really like to meet some other English speakers as my French isn't great! If anyone wants to get a drink sometime just drop me a message!
Matt Brown
Geschrieben vor 11 Jahren
Hey, Tharshan and Mitchell, my name is Matt. I am a 24 year old student from Cape Town.I am doing my masters at INSEEC.Any of you guys keen to watch the football at a pub later today?