Erasmus Napoli 2012 / 2013 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 13 Jahren
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Christina Koul
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Fatih there's nothing to worry about!Most things you heard are true but they have nothing to do with students,unless you have something to do with Camorra.The biggest problem of Naples are the thieves but i believe that if you're careful enough,nothing will harm you!
Daniele Fiore
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hi Girls and Guys!! I'm Daniele, a napolitan student that is just turned back from erasmus period in Nice (France). I want to help you in every way cause i know what means to go somewhere without any kind of help!
For everyone that wants some information about the city, the lifestyle, the entertainments, and all the rest, you can add me on facebook...
David Dias
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hi Daniele,
I'm very likely to stay in Italy in 2013/2014 as an Erasmus student! But right now I'm torn between two cities, Pavia and Naples! (since they're the easiest ones to get into from where I am). Right now, I really have no idea which one I prefer! I don't know if you have been/know people from Pavia and I dont have like a specific question about accomodation or anything, I just need someone's advice on this.
So could you tell me, in your opinion, what are would be the good and not so good things about being an Erasmus student in Napoli?
Btw, is anyone going to Naples in 2013/2014? If so, why did you choose Naples and not another italian city?
Larisa Moise
Geschrieben vor 12 Jahren
Hi everyone!
I'm an architecture student from Istanbul, Turkey.
I am probably going to attend Federico II in 2013-14, but I'm not sure if they have educational program in ENGLISH (for architecture). Can anyone give some information please? :)