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I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Madrid 2010 / 2011 (English)

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I'm not moving to Madrid in June, only going for a few days to have a look at the city and the uni and look for a place to live :) So I'm going there for real in September ! Hope we'll meet up there ! :D

nice :))))) its possible i will go at june too, after my exams here. are you going alone or with your friend from your home university??i will be going to look for some mates to live together so let me know if you want so, hope we will keep in touch :)

I'm going with my friends from uni, but no prob if you wanna join ;) We'll be there from 22nd to 25th June ! And we don't wanna share the same flat with my friends cause we don't wanna speak French at home, so if you're looking for flatmates I'd be happy to join :)

Maybe I'll go there to give a first look at the apartment in july, or maybe august, dunno!

ok great, so we will be in touch :)))

I'll be in Madrid from septembre for a year... Complutense too (medicine) XD

wow, medicine! I want to be always with a doctor at my side, we'll be very close friend!! :)

Hey people!

Im going to study Business management at complutense for a year. Complutense actually offers an erasmus residency, which are flats shared with other erasmus students, that i think it will be a lot of fun! Anyways, Im moving to madrid on september, probably the 5th, anyone going that soon?

Beeest regards everyone ;)

Hey Márcio ! :)

Do you know what the name of this residence is? Or if there's a link or anything.. Cause I'm interested, sounds like real fun! :D
I don't know yet when I'll go there, probably mid-September..

i m going to wirte and ask about any residence, i thought about it too, but i've heard its much expensive then an apartment in a flat, in center of madrid. anyway i will get you know when i got some informations ;)

So, one UCM's step by step registration website link: http://www.ucm.es/pags.php?tp=Erasmus%20%28LLP%29%20&a=&d=0000466.php notice the step 2.5 is housing and they talk about a erasmus residence. I already talked to them and sent my application form. apparently the "residence" is nothing more than a series of apartments where only international students live. Compared to room prices that i've seen in madrid it doesnt seem very expensive: 378€ for yourself and 328€ for a room to be shared with someone else.

Best of luck! ;)

I'm going to Madrid in August...I'll be studying at the University Europea de Madrid also in Villaviciosa de Odon

378 or 328 is much more expensive than the flats you can find in the city. There are lots of good appartments for only 250. I think the best is to live in a flat with 5 others students or something like that...

You fond flats for 250? I only saw flats from 300 to 450... where did you see those flats? I've been using a website a spanish girl thats on my university on erasmus told me to use which the idealista.com. But also I dont really know what area of the city you're looking for, im only interested in living in the Moncloa area, dont wanna have to wake up very early to go to class xD

I signed up on www.easypico.com which is a "cohabitation" website.
There are a lot of propositions for student cohabitions everywhere in Madrid ...
Of course it depends on what you're looking for... But if you wanna live with others students it sounds like a good choice I think

Sounds cool, im gunna check it out, thanks!

Wow, that web site is really cool, lots of options. Btw Im also going to madrid in july, probably from the 25th to the 29th, when are you going?

I'mglad you like it ;)
Great I'm going from the 27th until the 4th of august, I got my airplane tickets yesterday :)

No te pierdas la fiesta que os tenemos preparada...especial para la gente estudiante extranjera que está en Madrid, y aunque seas de aquí no te lo puedes perder....la primera copa gratis para las chicas, para todos los demás mortales copas a 4,5€ y cerveza de barril a 2€ hasta la 1:30....

despues las copas a 5,5€ hasta que cerremos...


So I still havent hear back from the housing people from UCM so im thinkin about doing something else. Anyone interested in sharing an apartment? I would much rather share an apartment with an erasmus student than with locals, so it would be cool if could get 2 or 3 people and share an apartment, im going to madrid on end of july to check out apartments, anyone else interested in meeting and looking for housing?

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