Have you made up your mind about your destination? The best accommodation deals are being booked fast, don’t let anyone keep ahead!

I want to find a house NOW!

Flat or room to rent in Lodz

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I am planing to move to Lodz early this September 2011. I will be taking a training in cinematography at the PWSFViT (Polish Film School), which lasts one academic year.
I am looking for a flat (1 bed) or room to rent. Please, if you know about any accomodation i will be very gratefull if you could contact me.



Estaré en Lodz a mediados de Septiembre! Estoy buscando un piso de una habitación o un dormitorio en piso compartido. Voy a estudiar en la escuela de cine (Pwsfvit) un año académico. Por favor, si sabéis de algun contacto que busque compartir piso os lo agradeceré muchísimo.
Un saludo a toda la comunidad española en Lodz!


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