Erasmus Wroclaw 2011 / 2012 (English)
Thema erstellt von Erasmusu Staff
— vor 14 Jahren
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Mariana Duarte
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
olá gustavo!
afinal aquilo vai estar cheio de portugueses :D
Gustavo Seabra
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Ola Mariana :p
e verdade por isso nao precisas de tar preocupada hehe :D
e so portugueses por todo o lado lolol :D
es de onde?
Gustavo Seabra
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Vou terminar o meu curso de gestao e vou fazer o curso de economia..2 em 1 vamos la ver como corre xD
Sim vou viver em Wroclaw por 1 ano e tu?...espero nao me arrepender hehe xD
hum mt bem :D Sou do Porto =) ,
inmaculada asencio
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
hello my name is imma, I'm looking for people who want to share an apartment this next year in Wroclaw, who is interested / to contact me! regards
Mariana Duarte
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
claro que não te vais arrepender. nem de ir fazer erasmus nem de ires para wroclaw.
conheço quem já lá tenha estado e só me dizem que vou adorar, pelo que (:
haveremos de nos encontrar por lá. e eu também lá vou estar 10 meses.
Gustavo Seabra
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
sim espero qe tenhas razao Mariana , agora pronto e aguardar ate que chegue dia 7 de setembro :D
entao pronto e bom tens essas referencias de la ainda melhor...sim perfeitamente , espero que a gente se encontre por la, visto que vais ficar tanto tempo como eu certamente sera mais facil =)
Didem Pelvan
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
hey everyone also I will be in wroclaw next semester . Who will attend the language course that starts 5 th september?
Claudia Ashweiler
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I'm also joining Wroclaw next Semester. I' ll also attend the language course in September.Another Question: Did any of you received any information by international office yet? I'm a little bit worried. In May they told me there will be more mails after July 1st and now it's August...
çağrı akyüz
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I received an e mail 2 weeks ago...bit late for should send an e- mail Claudia...
Claudia Ashweiler
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Yeah I've written an email to the IO now... As i've noticed so far I got all the acceptance documents in my uni account but it would be better to receive the same mail everybody did...
Simone Mangone
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hello everybody, I'm Simone, I'm from Italy and I was erasmus in Wroclaw 3 years ago, and I never left Poland after that period :D
I'm Dj and I'm organizing Erasmus Parties in Wroclaw, maybe you all know the legendary party of Grawitacja on Monday morning.....I'm the official DJ and organizer....If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me here or in Facebook were you can join also my group for erasmus parties in wroclaw, See ya!!!
Guilherme Sousa
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hello everybody!!
Portuguese party terrorists comming to Wroclaw Septembr 1st :D
Looking forward to meet you all at the Polish course!
P.S.: Anybody in Economics and Management?
çağrı akyüz
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Im in economics...but ı wont join polish course...
lola rennt
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I'm gonna study literature :)
Guilherme Sousa
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Who tha hell is ready to make the next year the best of our lives?? :)
sofie bogers
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
I will join the polish course as well :)!
I'm really looking forward to meeting everybody !
see you soon guys !
zeynep alay
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
looking for a room or flat to share, I can pay just a little same as the dormitory prices, is there anyone who is thnkng 'bout that? I'll arrive 1st of sep. what 'bout u?
inmaculada asencio
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
Hi, I have an apartment with a friend and we need more people because the floor is 6 people, who are interested contact me!
çağrı akyüz
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
is your apartment near economics İnmaculada??
inmaculada asencio
Geschrieben vor 13 Jahren
is about 10 minutes by bus from the University of Economics